Perindopril erbumine (perindopril erbumine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Perindopril erbumine (perindopril erbumine)

Arthritis type pains in arms and jaw - sometimes have difficulty swallowing - next morning pains have usually gone or moved.

Lowered my BP - but took about 3 weeks before any real drop, Dr upted initial 4mg dose to 8mg

PERINDOPRIL ERBUMINE (PERINDOPRIL ERBUMINE): Perindopril is used to treat high blood pressure. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. This medication is also used to prevent heart attacks in people with a certain type of heart disease (stable coronary artery disease). Perindopril belongs to a class of drugs known as ACE inhibitors. It works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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this helped me sleep but i realized it made me really spaced out and my coordination was so off that i couldn't walk in a straight line. beware of side effects

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My son was taking Zytec off and on since 6 months of age. He is 3 now. He is a wonderful child and sleeper. The last 2 weeks on Zyrtec - 1/2 dose has been hell. He saw a tv picture of a fire one day and hasn't been the same sense. He has been off of the poison for 5 days now and he is STILL having nighmares. This drug is terrible and we were not warned either. What to do next with his allergies????

weakness ONLY when undereating salt, otherwise no problems

Was switched from Norco 10/325 every 4 hrs to Nucynta ER 100mg every 12 hrs. I was still in pain and my doctor told me to up the dosage to 200mg ER every 12 hrs.So far I have noticed that my pain comes back after 7/8 hours and not 12, severe Insomnia, severe constipation, nausea and headaches.

I was told by my dentist that it may irritate my stomach. But it did not. It just made me extremely tired & a bit anxious. But other than that, it cleared up my infection & no more pain in my gums.

I think this medicine works wonders, but over time you have to take more and more for it to work. I tried to come off of the drug and the reboud headaches weren't like anything I have ever experienced. I take two capsules two to three times daily depending on my headaches. I have seen a neurologist for my headaches, and they can't seem to find anything significantly wrong...weird, I have chronic headaches for some reason.

Saw on another site that taken with synthroid can cause more issues. I am taking synthroid. This is a terrible drug. :(