Perforomist (formoterol fumarate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Perforomist (formoterol fumarate)

PERFOROMIST (FORMOTEROL FUMARATE): Formoterol is used as a long-term (maintenance) treatment to prevent or decrease breathing problems caused by ongoing lung diseases (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-COPD, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema). Formoterol belongs to the class of drugs known as long-acting inhaled beta-agonists. It works by opening air passages in the lungs to make breathing easier. This effect helps to reduce wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath. This medication does not work right away and should not be used for sudden attacks of breathing trouble. Your doctor must prescribe a quick-relief inhaler (e.g., albuterol, also called salbutamol in some countries) for sudden shortness of breath while you are using formoterol. You should always have a quick-relief inhaler with you. Formoterol is usually used with other medications such as corticosteroids (inhaled or taken by mouth). However, it should not be used with other long-acting inhaled beta agonists (such as arformoterol, salmeterol) because doing so may increase your risk for side effects. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Being a Nutritional Therapist and Wellness Consultant, I do NOT like to take medications..... but since I've suffered from this infection for years and it started causing severe pain and nail deformity, I decided to allow myself the 90 day protocol. I was certain to get MORE than the necessary liver panel tests, and I also made sure to 'support' my body with nutritional therapy and supplementation. I do already see 'clearing' at the base of my nails for the first time in 5 years. You better BELIEVE that after this I will do ALL the right things to prevent future occurances! No more harsh drugs for me.

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Flagyl and cipro IV for 4 days, then 10 days of 500 mg pills (3 per day Flagyl, 2 cipro). The fun really began on about day 5 when the heavy cloud of depression descended over me. Thankfully, had never never really comprehended what real chemically-induced depression is, and maybe what I experienced was not it, but whatever it is/was was BY FAR the worst/most intensely bizarre feeling i have ever had. The mental aspects of the drug were for me BY FAR the worst. Coming across this site was a godsend - the physical side-effects were relatively predicable but I had zero sense that the mental stuff was possible, and got real confused and scared once the depression kicked in - nobody mentioned these possible severe side-effects. Been off the meds for 72 hours and beginning to feel a slight lifting of the veil.

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runny nose, real bad, embarrassing. Dry cough.

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slight nausea, shaking, shivering, lost of appetite, drowsiness, slow reaction.

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