Pepcid complete (calcium carbonate, precipitated; famotidine; magnesium hydroxide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Pepcid complete (calcium carbonate, precipitated; famotidine; magnesium hydroxide)

Depersonalization with sadness and feeling of impending doom and aggression, BAD anxiety and panic attacks, sleeplessness, body aches-especially severe constant back pains and some kidney pains, shortness of breathe, weak feeling with shaky limbs. Just a really overall unwell feeling.

Let me start this off by saying if you have a history of anxiety or panic attacks, do not take this-it can be a living hell. I have been on a hamster wheel since I started taking this to relieve heartburn and GERD. If I take it, I get relief with all the horrible side effects, if I don't take it, I get heartburn and GERD that's hard to handle. This is an H2 blocker, PPI's are even worse. I wish I had a magic wand to get off of this stuff. The doctor told me it isn't possible to have the side effects that I do. Guess what? I know my body, I know I'm not a hypochondriac. I hope by sharing my story with you, I can help just one person not have to suffer the side effects from this medication wheather it be short or long term use.

Takes care of the acid but the side effects suck

Seems to help with the GERD symptoms which for me is chest pain not heart burn. But started getting migraine like head pain that lasts for months ended up having a brain and neck MRI nothing found. now started having a tight pressure feeling in the head. Also gave me anxiety and depression and heart palps. Recently coughing and sound congested. Extreme neck pain as well as other joints. I’m not sure what to take now as Pepcid isn’t as extreme as the proton pump drugs like Prilosec etc.

Don’t know how long it will take to get it out of my system but hope it’s quick.

Was given Rx for Protonix and pharmacy told me to start with Pepcid Complete as Protonix takes at least 24 hours to work and I was in major pain. Pepcid worked very well and quickly. Was better after about 4 weeks on Protonix and used Pepcid only as necessary for a few months. All symptoms went away for 7 months and then returned and I restarted taking Pepcid 2x day. Also experienced dizziness and couldn't catch my breath at night. Noticed that if I ate very lightly and didn't need the Pepcid, I would lose the other symptoms too. Also bought a bottle that tasted oddly and did not work at all so I called the company. They had a myriad of questions and wanted my MD to send a complete history to them! Do they know something we don't? I merely wanted a replacement bottle.

Great product for the short term but I am wondering about it's long term ill effects.

I had a stomach ache from gas.

Intense and prolonged anxiety attack, which began about 3 hours after taking the drug.

It did not alleviate the original stomachache. (If you want to torture yourelf, take this.)

none-if anything, sleepiness-product works!

w/i 15 minutes, complete relief-heartburn most intense in lufe-felt like i was having a heart attack; also accopanied by deep coughing

Side Effects forpepcid complete (calcium carbonate, precipitated; famotidine; magnesium hydroxide) - User Comments


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Whilst i was on this drug i did quit smoking, i have only smoked a couple of times since stopping treatment. Whilst i was on the drug i was ok for the first couple of days, then the insomnia started. This i could deal with. I started to feel a little depressed after about 5 days, and things didnt feel all that real. By the seventh day (when i upped my dosage to 300mg), the insomnia was getting ridiculous, i had mood swings, and previous depression problems had fully reocurred. On the tenth night of taking this drug, i was laying in bed, unable to think about anything other than suicide. I had already self harmed during this week, this is something i had not done for a long time.After this i ceased taking the drug. Really would not recommend it to those who are not exceptionally head strong. On the smoking cessation front however, it is fabulous. The pros just dont outweigh the cons; they didnt for me anyway.

Chronic pain post 3 spine surgeries

Absolutely no side effects. Everyone is different so some may have various side effects, but not me. I've been on BC pills for over 20 years. This by far is the best one.

Increased nasal pressure, increased headache, exacerbated nasal symptoms, anxiety, panic attacks, racing heart, migraine

Muscle weakness for 2 weeks. Muscle twitching ongoing a month, digestive issues.CAUTION TAKING THIS DRUG! FIND A ALTERNATE SOLUTION

severe, almost daily migraines

I have been using phenergan for years and the only side effects that I have experienced are dry mouth/throat & lethargic feeling.