Penicillin v potassium (penicillin v potassium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Penicillin v potassium (penicillin v potassium)

Headache, aching joints, insomnia, nausea, stomach pain (mild) dizziness.

Not sure this is doing anything I'm 6 days into a 10 day course I have to take 4 250mg tablets twice a day, my tonsils still have white spots and yellow bumps on them and my throat still feels horrible, I'd of thought there would be some improvement by now, I will carry on until I've done the 10 days, but it is making me feel pretty rough and not really seeing or feeling any improvement, disappointed especially if I have to take anymore antibiotics I hate them never feel good while taking them.

It got rid of my sore throat but shortly before the end my stools got mushier and my intestines have been unsettled fpr the last 10 days.

Dizziness, weakness, and worst of all.. a yeast infection

This is absolutely ridiculous, never in my life have I had a yeast infection. Maybe it's worth taking penicillin if you have a really horrible infection in, say, a major organ like a kidney or something. But for tonsillitis I think a weaker antibiotic would've worked just fine. I didn't even take it all, I only took it as prescribed for 4 days before it caused a yeast infection and I quit taking it. Because really, what's the point in attempting to treat a yeast infection when you still have to swallow the cause of it for 6 more days. So now the tonsillitis will probably come back, but I don't care. I refuse to take any more penicillin, it's not at all worth it.

PENICILLIN V POTASSIUM (PENICILLIN V POTASSIUM): Penicillin is an antibiotic used to treat and prevent a wide variety of bacterial infections. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats and prevents only bacterial infections. It will not work for virus infections (such as the common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I hate it. It was prescribed because my systolic and diastolic numbers were 2 close together. it raised the top number and lowered the bottom.

DO NOT TAKE CIPRO UNLESS YOU HAVE A LIFE THREATENING CONDITION!!!! I never had anxiety before. I got such debilitating anxiety that my husband had to take a leave from work because I couldn't be left alone. Insomnia I wouldn't sleep for days. I'm in a lot of pain, muscles and joints. Within the first week of stopping Cipro I couldn't eat and lost 7 pounds in 1 week. My worst pain showed up 5 weeks after stopping the drug. I am now over 2 months out and I still have a lot of pain but anxiety is gone. The worst drug I have ever took and will NEVER take it again!

Have been told by dr to stop taking till next appt. Has anyone else had this side effect?

helped to control progression of periodontal disease..flossing daily will remove plaque/bacteria mechanically while peridex will kill anerobic bacteria chemically. A very good rinse if used properly

I really gave this more than a chance. I gave it many chances...such a tiny pill could do all this? I've had many blood tests and psychological "chats" with people I trust and there is nothing wrong with my mind or my chemistry. I guess this works for some people, but not for me. If I can tolerate the Allegra I'll stick to it. I'm NOT a hypochondriac and in fact denied for months that I was even having side effects. Now, it's undeniable.

Extreme fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, anxiety and worry, especially at night. Dizzyness and feeling off balance with mild blurred vision. General aches and pains in digestive system, kidneys and bladder area. Night sweats and a feverish (hot cold) feeling. Joint pain and mild muscle weakness.

Simple Partials. Co-Morbid Anxiety