Pen-vee k (penicillin v potassium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Pen-vee k (penicillin v potassium)

Horrible itchy rash, hives, difficulty catching my breath at times, extreme fatigue

Made me a bit spacey and occasional ringing ears but is doing the job.

I haven't had any of the usual side effects which, to be honest, rare for me. I don't mind the spaciness too much and the ringing in the ears is just occasionally.

Literally none at all except sleepiness...

I tolerated this drug very well, but unfortunately when I went to get my root canal the penicillin had not killed the infection and I couldn't get numb enough.

throat slightly better, diarrhea for the past 24 hours of taking it though also loss of appetite

PEN-VEE K (PENICILLIN V POTASSIUM): Penicillin is an antibiotic used to treat and prevent a wide variety of bacterial infections. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats and prevents only bacterial infections. It will not work for virus infections (such as the common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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It really helped with my depression. Due to gaining weight I stopped taking effexor cold turkey. Not only did I have severe withdrawal symptoms and recommend that no one stop abuptly, I snapped right back to the old depressed, crying routine I so happily learned to live without. Other than the weight gain, I would be happy (literally happy) to live with the other side effects and stay on this drug. My doctor is going to put me on Wellbutrin after I taper off Effexor to see if that solves the ravenous appetite.

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a little diarrhea and mild headache.

Posted earlier,twice.I took 150 for 7 days,this is my 4th day on 300 and I feel alot of anger and agitation,I was mellowing out on 150.Back to yelling at the kids and losing my patience.Has anyone experienced this?Does it last?

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I have experienced many side effects during the first 2 months of taking Paxil CR 25mg. My dose has now been increased of half.

Thank you everyone for contributing so much information to this site. I always felt uncomfortable taking this drug and now I know why. Has anyone found they gained weight and have trouble losing it? That could just be my stress.

Pains in legs. Also week. Anxiety. HeadacheHave no energy. Did better on Cozaar

weight gain, breakthru bleeding, acne, moodiness, no sex drive

I am so glad to have discovered this stuff! I gather it either helps you or it doesn't, and am so glad it helps me! I also take a mind-numbing number of other allergy meds -- allegra, sudafed, flonase, atrovent nasal spray, astelin nasal spray -- but this made the most difference! I still take the other stuff, but this gave me the best spring I've had in YEARS! Oh yes, I take shots too! My allergies are to all inhalants, indoors & out. :-(