Pemoline (pemoline) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Pemoline (pemoline)

Nausea when mixed with alcohol. Edgy with overdoses. Sleep disturbances, but slight and only half the time.

A "pick me up" for physical tasks. Not as good as Ritalin. Not really a calmer, no addictive, but larger amounts required as tolerance develops, and then it hardly works at all.

Side Effects forpemoline (pemoline) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

24 hrs after I started taking, I started having severe chills, fever, followed by profuse sweating, flu like body aches all over, even the bottom of my feet hurt. Nausea, tight chest, difficulty breathing, vomiting, light headeness, lack of appetite, stomach bloating. Major overall unwellness feeling.

I am taking lexapro in conjunction with wellbutrin. In 4 days, I lost 2 pounds. It really cut my appetite, before with just lexapro I kept thinking about food but wellbutrin helped me with that and I have increased confidence about my weight. I did notice increase in anxiety which is bad because i tend to be anxious and angry more than depressed. However, I have alot of energy and am able to go running for alot longer and I feel better about myself because of my energy. I've only been on it for 5 days so far though.

I feel like I have developed fibromyalgia but waiting for tests in the next week to confirm.

excessive sleep, no focus or drive

I am very happy with the results of how it has helped my acid reflux but...I have been on it for 5 days now and am having vertigo. So far it seems to happen only when I move to quickly(which isnt often due to severe back problems). I think I will give it a lil more time to see if it worsens. I am willing to put up with the dizziness for now at least at this degree. It seems manageable if I rise slowly and dont move fast.

After third day sinus infection much better but felt very anxious, nauseous and dizzy.Waking early with palpitations and sore eyes. Bloated stomach.

Deadly poison. Doctors are drug pushers who do not know how to cure anymore. Unfortunate.

When I went to the Dr (10/19) I was in great shape, doing 9 hours of classes weekly. I was given the medicine to keep me from getting sick and now I can hardly walk. I have fallen 4 times lately. I can hardly make it from the parking lot into the store. If I cannot park close I cannot go in.

Started on Prevacid, which made me dizzy and back hurt. Stopped and felt better, but acid reflux returned. Took Prilosec and within 2 days entire system "backed up" - meals felt like they sat in my stomach, bloated pain throughout. I will probably focus on diet (no coffee, chocolate or alcohol).

weight gain; tired all the time; didn't help my depression; smiling was a chore; major decrease in libido