Pataday (olopatadine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Pataday (olopatadine hydrochloride)

It's expensive! $30 copay for 2.5 mil. It has helped my allergies, but I also have to take a steroid drop along with the Pataday for my severe conjunctivitis.

Mild stinging for the first few days

These drops did seem to help the intense itching I get during certain allergy seasons. It takes a few days to really work well but it does work. It stings a tiny bit but not anything compared to over the counter allergy eye drops.

PATADAY (OLOPATADINE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is an antihistamine used to treat itching and redness in the eyes due to allergies. This medication is not recommended for the treatment of eye irritation due to wearing contact lenses. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Stay away, Dr's need to be more careful prescribing this and tell patients about these side effects as very few of them are listed on the product leaflet. NEVER AGAIN.

The side effects I described took about 5 months to subside but finally did. Now I only occasionally have to deal with either. And the side effect of seeing things... it was like seeing a bug crawling near me so that I'd jump a little, but wasn't terrified. Just startled. Not really that bad, and obviously not bad enough to stop taking it. Also, the side effects were drastically reduced just going from taking 10mgs to 5mgs instead. I now take 5mgs with Lorcet 10/650 3x a day every day.

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