Paroxetine (paroxetine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Paroxetine (paroxetine hydrochloride)

SEVERE DISABLED FROM THIS POISON- extreme nerve pain- acid burning skin, feel like i’m skinned and bathing in a bath of alcohol afterwards- can’t walk anymore severe neuropathy in legs- akathisia

I’m tortured 24/7 since i stopped this drug 3 years ago. 3 years of hell and contemplating euthenasia. This is not a life.GSK paid big settlements in lawsuits in 2012 i found out for lying about dangerous side effects. This shit is still prescribed today, it’s a crime against humanity. How many people still need to die?? People that work for GSK will burn in hell. Emma Walmsley and Andrew whitty included.

Took it for 6 days. Day 1 ok. Day 2 I was in a strange state I think it was mania for 3-4 hours. Day 3-4-5, panic attacks. Day 6 I stopped it.I was more and more sleepy all day long, but couldn't sleep more than 2-3 hours, with nightmares. Days 5 and 6, enable to do anything other than lying with my eyes closed, waiting for the minutes to pass. Couldn't think at all. Very strange sensations in my head, like colors and electrical chocs. No more appetite at all. Pain everywhere in the belly. Pain around the liver is still there.

Took it for 6 days only but I have symptoms of the stop, like when I move my eyes, of electrical choc in the head, sensation of falling.

nose bleeds, constipation, sweating, shaking, insomnia.

this was my first anti depressant, back when anti depressants were first on the market.after 5 days i was not depressed anymore and after 1 week i was TOTALLY UNABLE, to feel ANY unhappiness at all! i was happy all the time- even if something terrible happened in my first i loved it! .. but after a while i realized it was not natural to NEVER be unhappy. I also noticed if i drank or took other drugs while on it, it made me very! mental and would do things like walk into on-comming traffic etc etc .. (never! drink alcohol while on ssri meds).i stopped taking it after 8 months. it scared me.

When I first began taking this medication....i had some horrid hdaches...but a couple of days after start...they were gone. Decreased sexual drive!

Loss of appetite, loss of sex drive

I started out on 12.5mg CR and then was moved to 10mg. I can say this drug has helped me. I am thinking of upping it to either 15mg or 20mg due to increased anxiety.

social anx, panic disorder, depress

lethargy, weight gain, brain zaps if i forgot to take a dose

i tried to stay with it to see if it helped me. after suffering from 3 anxiety disorders for many years, i had a major depressive episode. i began burning myself with cigs, and attempted suicide. locked up in a psych ward for a week. i'd say the paxil didn't help too much.

Side Effects forparoxetine (paroxetine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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This works. For OCD patients like myself it apparently works much faster- a couple of days- than for those with depression.Remember, OCDers, that you cant rest on Zoloft to take care of you. You will drift back to your compulsions. You have to 'try' to relax as bizarre as that sounds.I only take 25 mg a day because my 50 mg dose makes me too groggy- and even 50 is a low dose. 200 is a possible dose for severe depression.I don't PMS as much when taking these.Remember when taking other drugs like MAOIs you can die combining them, because they give you a serotonin overdose in combo. You can't drop LSD while taking Zoloft, or do shrooms, because Zoloft reins in the serotonin that such drugs throw out of whack in order to create their effect. If you wanted to take such a drug, stop taking Zoloft for a week beforehand to clear it out (I believe a week is plenty). However, if you're taking Zoloft for very serious depression or have significant lack of mental control, don't take su

Runny nose and dry cough. When speaking, after about 2 minutes I would no longer be able to speak without coughing. Otherwise, I felt good. Drug brought systolic reading from around 175 to 145-150.

I have split up with my boyfriend twice, cry a lot, seriously bad cramps all day, heavy period that won't stop, heavy tissue discharge, weight gain, breast swelling, acne, suicidal thoughts (mild), lethargy, tired, insomnia... wow... that's quite a list isn't it

If taken more than precribed - slurred speech, can't walk

I took only one treatment of the gel. I ended up calling 911. I thought that I was dying. I started getting a head ache and dry mouth about 30 min after inserting the gel. My mouth was so dry that I couldn't feel my throat. I was told by my doctors that the gel shouldn't do this, but believe me it did. I am still having side effects 6 days later. The doctors just keep saying that it is out of my system, but you could have fooled me. I don't advise anyone to take this.

My nipples got incredibly sore, inflamed, swollen and tender. I thought I had something incredibly wrong with me. Also caused a yeast infection, and I'm not sure if the UTI has gone away because I still am getting sharp pains around my bladder area.

My mother was the one taking the medication. I almost lost her back in January 2008. I had read very little about this med. Since taking the medication for 1 month, she has had miserable back pain, can't sleep, he left arm hurts from the bicep area down to her wrist. I'm advising her to never take it again. She has enough health problems and I dont want her to develop anything like shortness of breath that I'm reading. She currently has lung cancer as well as congestive heart failure. This will no longer be in her meds.

I find this drug works pretty good for the depression part of my Bi Polar dissorder. Had to watch the dosage closely though so I didn't become Manic from to much Paxil CR. On 25mg. now but may have to go back down to 12.5mg. due to lack of sleep & Manic symptoms.

i was prescribed macrobid by a urologist to take twic a day for 2 weeks then once a day for two weeks. by the third week I developed severe chills and fever 101 to 103 degrees with complete loss of appetite. I saw my primary physician on the 5th day with fever of 102.8. He did a complete lab, chest xray, and influenza test...all negative. My only other symptoms were shortness of breath and severe fatigue. I stopped the Macrobid and the fever subsided within 2 days. I am certain this was a reaction to this medication.