Oxycodone hydrochloride (oxycodone hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Oxycodone hydrochloride (oxycodone hydrochloride)

Side Effects foroxycodone hydrochloride (oxycodone hydrochloride) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

Unexplained rash all over my body. Miserable for over a year. Found this website and saw other similar adverse symptoms and took myself off Amlodipine 10mg (generic equivalent for Norvasc)about 9 days ago and am slowly seeing a vast improvement in my overall well being. Went to several dermatologists and allergists for my skin condition but to no avail. Had to take matters of my health into my own hands.

Zyrtec appeared to work well in gettig rid of my son's allergy symptoms (tree pollen, ragweed, grass), however, the behavioral side effects do not seem to be worth it.

decreased appetite, weight loss, agitation, anxiety

I read a lot of comments made about the awful use of Paxil CR but so far my experience with Paxil has been positive. Maybe the people who have commented on the drug are not getting the therapy that I have to understand the "underlying" problems that are causing their anxiety/depression. I am now on my 3rd year of being on this medication & it has helped me to get better. Please stick with it and GIVE IT TIME TO WORK!!!! I feel as though a lot of the people have not had the great pyshiatrist that I have had along with the great counseling. Although I do understand EVERYTHING you are going through I hope you all give it a chance..

I think it works pretty good for my breakouts. I don't have full blown acne, but breakouts in my t-zone, back, and chest. I put this medicine on it daily and the pimple is gone within 3 days or so. I haven't had any problems with serious reactions. I would recommend it.

Constipation at first, Jittery, WEIGHT GAIN!!!!!!!!!

First used 30 years ago, during a stressful period of anxiety. Over the years have used small dosages, 2 or 5mg only at bed time for sleeping, an average of 2 times a week. Always aware of the potential of adiction, I limited my use. It is the combination of the pill and the sleep, that refresses and restores.

Then one night I hear Dr. David Franklin on TV saying the drug is a scam and was marketed for 11 unapproved uses by inventor ParkeDavis and knew it was destroying peoples lives and could not take it anymore and spilled the beans after PD sold it to Phiser. Phiser knew this and still markets it. The only use it was ever approved for is Grand Mal siezures and only in conjuction with another drug. Now they have added Herpes Pain. If you are getting it for anything else, you are being scammed; you are not even a Guina Pig, your a Big Pharma punk. They do not care. I pray everyday to God for justice and he says to read the 10 commandments to see what he is doing to all responsible. God states he will punish their 3&4th generations. He states he gets results when he starts punishing and making sick their grandchildren and great grandchildren because the rich will throw their own children under the bus but knows he strikes a nerve when he takes it out on the grandchildren but this of course takes time, years and leaves it up to the victims to warn the rest of us. BE WARNED! Check the 10 Commandments you are told are the 10 Commandments. God says many churches leave out the part about HIM getting your grandchildren and HOPE that it is not true. God says he would not of told Moses a lie. God states HOPE is the last evil in pandoras box. How is HOPE evil? It is evil when man places his faith in what others tell him to believe is the truth. instead of following his God given intuiti

It cured my eye twitching and enabled me to be able to study, but the sex drive is gone.

Irregular periods (didn't have any for months at a time and when i did it would only last a day, where before i started taking aldactone my periods were very regular and lasted 5-7 days)However periods were much lighter and not painful(i used to have pain in the first day or two of my period)I was always thirsty, which caused frequent urination.Headaches due to dehydrationInfrequent dizziness due to lowered blood pressure