Oxycodone hydrochloride and ibuprofen (ibuprofen; oxycodone hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Oxycodone hydrochloride and ibuprofen (ibuprofen; oxycodone hydrochloride)

tingeling of hands and feed, hives, EXTREME dizziness, nightsweats and depression

Side Effects foroxycodone hydrochloride and ibuprofen (ibuprofen; oxycodone hydrochloride) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

Slight angry feelings, vivid dreams

I started taking tri-sprintec mid-cycle a month ago, as recommended by my nurse since I had to take Plan B a few days before and was already pumped full of hormones. It was also cheap (co-pay was $10 for three cycles). I had a bit of bloating for the first week or so, but none of the scary, crazy side effects other people reported. My breasts were tender for a while, but they also got slightly fuller which is great for flat girls like me. I had no break-through bleeding or spotting (period came on day 4 of the inactive pills) despite starting it two weeks into my previous cycle and if anything, my sex drive has gone up because I don't have to worry as much about pregnancy. I've never had much of an acne problem, but whatever spots I had on my face before are now gradually disappearing!

I quit after a month....it actually made me depressed. the side effects were brutal as well.

Weight gain, jaw clenching, cravings, no sex drive, occasional weeks when I can't seem to get enough sleep, returning depression and suicidal thoughts

I am very dissapointed and sad, it did read the side effects but as always I am very healthy and never have side effects when taing any medication, I thought Lamisil will not affect me but I am very bad... today after thinking too much and after a terrible headache last night I decided to take the fifth pill but I regret because I feel worst and I read this website and I am very afraid now. I will take Fluconazol which does not give me any side effect at all. It takes longer to get cured but I think it is better. My recommendation is to avoid this drug. It is definitely TOO STRONG

Before Anafranil, my life seemed so chaotic. I was constantly fighting with my parents, struggling to meet demands at school, having friendship troubles due to reluctance to participate in large social groups and crowded events. Also, I would constantly obsess over the way I looked and had an overly cynical outlook/sense of humor, all while feeling guilty for no good reason, and believing that strangers were either critisizing my appearance or annoyed by my prescence. My old life seemed meaningless and it got to the point where all I cared about were a couple friends, any kind of illegal 'upper', and obsessing over my looks and my health. An insane asylum seemed appropriate, as I convinced myself that I was schizophrenic. I would skip class if I was late due to my phobia of being stared at when entering the classroom. I would tense up and begin a negatibe loop of thoughts concerning and obsess for days over what other students were saying about me behind my back (how arrogant of me);

Do not use this product! It should be illegal.


I recomend you have your prolactin, LH, FSH, TESTOSTERONE, and TSH levels measured by a doctor. if you have any lab tests send those results to [email protected] more people that share their story and labs the better we can treat the side effects and possibly sue rogaine for their life damaging product.

regulate periods and reduce symptom