Oxycet (acetaminophen; oxycodone hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Oxycet (acetaminophen; oxycodone hydrochloride)

took away my appetite - went days without even thinking of food or eating. Drowsiness. A little spacey. Constipation.

I had a lot of pain after the uae procedure but don't like to take drugs so I put off taking the oxycet that had been prescribed and tried to control the pain with 800mg ibuprofen. That totally failed and after 2 days of pretty bad pain I broke down and took the oxycet. It got rid of the pain completely and allowed me to be human while I recovered. Instead of being doubled over and whimpering I was able to read a book or sleep. I was very grateful for this medication and felt silly for not taking it from the beginning as the doctor recommended.

Side Effects foroxycet (acetaminophen; oxycodone hydrochloride) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

None to speak of, but tolerance is building up. 100mg was enough to help le stay awake from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., now I fell sleepy much earlier (early afternoon).

My LDL was near 400. Simvastatin quickly brought it down to a little over 100. While on the drug I noticed my legs hurt bad especially when walking uphill or up stairs. I didn't make the connection, though, until a month lapse in my insurance forced me to go without Simvastatin. Amazingly my sexual problems disappeared in just a couple of weeks and my leg and body pains started to go away. When my insurance kicked in I started Simvastatin again and the symptoms reappeared within just a few days. Am going to quit again and see if the improvement comes back, and if it does I will investigate safer alternatives to Simvastatin.

Dry Mouth.Chest pain a couple of times, the first time I went to the hospital and stayed two days. I suspect the two are related.

I have been taking a very low dose (75mg daily) for six months and am happy with the result except for hair loss. Getting better sleep that I have in years. And I don't have nearly as many moods swings and repetative thought loops are mostly gone.

very swollen ankles, constant dry cough which turned into two bouts of bronchitis, the second quite severe, weird dreams, facial flushing when leaning over, lightheadedness when coughing too hard; it did lower my bp to 120/80 or a bit lower. Couldn't live with it, though. Finally gave up.

Really bad stomach pains,cramps in the undercarraige of ribs,wind and not being able to bowel movement

restlessness, trouble sleeping, hyperactive

Took it right before bed and woke up with burning. Next day still burning so I used the cream and about 15 minutes later extreme burning sensation. Thought about going to urgent care. Looked online for reviews and can not believe all of the negative comments on this product. Worried how long it will last. Very uncomfortable!

I wish I didn't have to take any of these drugs!

diarrhea / uncomfortable dreams / lower back pain