Oxazepam (oxazepam) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Oxazepam (oxazepam)

took tablet on retiring to bed woke up feeling as rough as before but cannot get back to sleep at 04.14

it does not seem to be effective tom,ñhl

PRN for occasional anxious periods in life. Only used at night and in small quantities.It's OK for rare to occasional use, but I did not find it effective as an insomnia treatment drug, nor for daily use. The body can rapidly build up a tolerance for this, meaning you need an increased dose after a few days or so. So,it is best used as a one-off, once-in-a-blue moon medication.

Used at night only.In the morning, I felt groggy, cranky and grumpy.It is not a mood enhancer by any means and you can expect it to flatten and lower your mood significantly, the next day.It does calm the muscles though. For instance, if you grind your teeth in your sleep, or move around a lot, it can help you relax.Also, you can expect to wake up, from your own snoring/ snorting, if you take this at night. It relaxes the throat, so you tend to snore if you take this at bedtime.

I take 10mg of oxazepam at bedtime. Getting a full-night's sleep changed my life! Fewer side effects and a simpler compound than the drugs the sleep doctors tend to prescribe for restless leg...

Panic Attacks and General Anxiety

No side effects experienced at all

OXAZEPAM (OXAZEPAM): Oxazepam is used to treat anxiety and also acute alcohol withdrawal. This medication belongs to a class of drugs called benzodiazepines which act on the brain and nerves (central nervous system) to produce a calming and an anti-seizure effect. It works by enhancing the effects of a certain natural substance in the body (GABA). This medication may also be used for sleep (insomnia) (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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From the very start, I had many side effects that I have never experienced with any other anti-depressant I have been on before (several).The first most notable one was dropping things. Several times a day. Specific types of items, fruit, glassware and cups. Anything that required a grasp around a surface. I dropped fruit every single morning while preparing meals for for my kids .I broke most of my glassware and spilled to go cups and water bottles almost daily in publicI spilled things almost daily. just slip out of my hand without any warning or more general notable weakness of grip It would "give way".I also began having sleep paralysis early on before I hit full dosing. I've had it a few times in my life without meds and it's always a terrible experience. But imuch worse on Viibryd. Skip this dug altogether if you are prone to panic attacks. It's absolutely awful. I was aware but not quite awake and unable to move. For tremendously long periods Upon falling asleep and during the night.It was claustrophobic and terrifying at times even though I knew what it was. There were a few nights that it was so bad, I was scared to try to go back to sleep after 3 consecutive episodes. I was fully aware and able to talk myself through it, even then, the feeling of being trapped and not in control is extremely unpleasant.And losing sleep is the last thing that helps my depression.And also, despite the packaging claims, I gained a notable amount of weight RAPIDLY

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Depression with psychotic features


i would not take this drug again

Only side effects were extreme nausea if I did not eat soon enough. Lost 50 pounds and was not eating like a diabetic should. I decided to quit taking because I am tired most of the time, cannot sleep and seems to be aggravating my depression. I also have rheumatoid arthritis and am worried that the drug is increasing the general malaise you feel with RA. This drug is not a good companion to the illnesses that I have struggled with for a long time

I don't take a high dose but it seems to work. I can now study for exams without freaking out and having insomnia. Was thinking of trying to increase the dosage because my concentration is diminishing and anxiety is increasing but after reading others' comments, maybe not. Didn't know why I was sweating at night and needing more sleep, but because of this website, now I know. Not going off though; need to get through school. This is my first antidepressant.

I wake up everyday with a migrane, I'm always nauseous and feeling sick.