Ovidrel (choriogonadotropin alfa) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ovidrel (choriogonadotropin alfa)

i had extreme bloating in my belly, and pain, my breast got very large and hurt, so fat my clothes would not fit, i had very bad gas. and i was very emotional, not emotional from the gas just emotional! But hey i guess it is for a good cause.

I guess a gal has to do what a gal has to do!

I took this a year ago. I don't remember any side effects. The shot itself is in the belly, but the needle is small. It doesn't hurt too much. It didn't even bleed after - not even a drop.

I did not get pregnant last year. Trying again now. I just took another shot today. Again, the shot itself wasn't too bad.

I did not take the medicine yet.

I was wondering what someone felt.

Side Effects forovidrel (choriogonadotropin alfa) - User Comments


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i would not recomend lasix....

took cleocin vaginal ovules for 3 days. side effects: intense itching after application; much leakage of medicine; loose stools. then, after all of that, i'm headed back to the doctor because my vaginal tract itches much worse than before; think it might have caused yeast (it targets all bacteria, good & bad, unlike metronidazole--but that's an even scarier medicine for women!)

That was four years ago. I was perfectly healthy at 47. For a small framed woman I was very strong and can honestly say I felt about 38. But I now feel like an 80 year old woman. My muscles and tendons are tight, my bones and ligaments pop, I'm afraid to do anything too strenuous and that's not me. I'm tired alot extremely depressed. I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to walk very much longer. I can't understand why they are still prescribing this drug. The physician assistant did not warn me, Or I would not have taken it.

After each dose (I did all 3) I only had minor soreness in my arm the next day. I would much rather deal with that than even a minor case of COVID. I am grateful they made this vaccine. It has helped save lives and prevent unnecessary suffering.

Well...I went off of my medicine for about a week because of a bunch of crap..and I got back on it yesterday. I noticed I was really shaky..and my ocd had been gone (pretty much) while i was off of it. now, in the past two days it's come back so im happy to say that i think i need a decrease.I take 108 mg every morning.but i think the ocd isnt really that at all...but like others said, that they concentrated on one thing too much and as one person put it, in a zombie like state. my mouth dropped as i read that. i have anxiety and i was depressed for 3 years. periods of insomnia....oh yeah a wee bit of paranoia....or more.

I AM STILL MISERABLE and i have been off the drug for over a year!!! it has changed me as a person! DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG UNLESS YOU ABSOLUTELY NEED IT! i went to the ER several times for seizures after i went off (i only took 1 mg a day!) pleae contact me with comments/suggestions/support!

As long as the bloating and weight gain subside and the UTI is clear I will be ok with the side effects. I was on Bactrin last week until Tuesday when I was told that I had a strain of E.Coli that was resistant to Bactrin. I haven't noticed any pain during urination today but I will return to doctor Friday for a follow up urine test.

Unable to focus vision, dry mouth, and unable to void bladder.

To start, I had a left knee replacement in March 09. I was prescribed levaquin (500mg) in Augut 09. I had taken a river cruise in Chicago and did a lot of walking. At first I thought the pain was in my left knee but soon discovered the pain radiated up from my knee to my hip. I literally had to lift my leg with my hands to get in and out of the car, and was in extreme pain just walking short distances. To this day, if I fall asleep on my left hip, the pain always wakes me up. What I read on the internet was that it can cause tendon ruptures. Maybe it chose the one in my left leg because the leg was already compromised with the knee replacement. It's 2 months later, and I'm still not back to normal. But I hope I will get there. Some of the ratings do not sound very positive.

Medicine would stop working and I'd have to up the dose, anything above 25 MG and the side effects start to very badly effect my life.