Otiprio (ciprofloxacin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Otiprio (ciprofloxacin)

freakin UTI I took this drug in 1997 before all the major black box warnings came out for severe irreversible tendon rupture, CNS damage, and heart problems. IT RUINED MY HEALTH AND LIFE FOREVER. I have basically been rotting in a room for the past 2 decades severely ill and waiting to die. Multiple tendon ruptures, 10/10 pain 24/7, my life is a nonstop real world nightmare, something you can't even imagine in your worst of dreams. I cannot wait for death and I don't see myself being alive much longer. I hope someone one day bombs Bayer headquarters as justice to all of us suffering for the rest of our lives. While these despicable pharmaceutical businessmen become millionaires and billionaires off the lives and blood of our suffering...I am on disability, unemployed, bedbound, in constant torturous agony. ROT IN HELL BAYER

OTIPRIO (CIPROFLOXACIN): This medication is used to treat a variety of bacterial infections. Ciprofloxacin belongs to a class of drugs called quinolone antibiotics. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for virus infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I felt sluggish and gained 15 pounds in 9 months. Lack of sex drive and headaches. Best side effect was light, short periods. The worst side effect was that I suddenly developed a purple swollen leg and found it was a huge blood clot! I now have to take a blood thinner and injections twice a day. I used to take other brands of birth control before having children 9 years ago. I had only been on Kariva 9 months before developing a blood clot.

Impossible to achieve orgasm. Feel very lazy and still quite depressed.

Has anyone taken Wellbutrin XL along with Zoloft? How was it?

This will be another class action lawsuit for sure !!! Start making your wills !!!.

Developed high fever 5 days after starting. Quit taking after developing nausea with the fever. Fever subsided and I returned to normal. Resumed taking medication and knee bursitis started along with resumption of high fever. During hospital stay, diarrhea worsened and dosage of Asacol was increased. Fever subsided, but I left hospital with painful knee bursitis. Started taking medication for bursitis, but since it caused nausea, I stopped taking Asacol. My knees got better and I resumed taking Asacol after being off it for one month. Started taking Asacol again and high fever returned along with more diarrhea, loss of appetite, and severe dehydration. Entered hospital and was taken off all medication while being treated for symptoms of kidney failure. After rehydration via IV solutions for three days, I was discharged from hospital. No long taking Asacol and I am completely free of knee pain, fever, and have regained lost weight and normal strength. Colitis has been remedied by Entocort.

Weight gain! Gained 20 lbs. Fatigue, depression and anxiety. Some acne when I started.

Wow! not a single headache since I started this medication, and I had gone for years with headaches every day. Topamax is awesome for headaches. The weird part, is that its prescribed also for the nerve pain in my arm, but is causing similar tingling in my other arm and feet now, but I'll take that over headaches any day. I haven't had any weight loss yet, but I hope it happens! I've definitely lost some of my appetite. That would be a nice..uh..I can't think of the word I want to write here...haha...oh well.

Every time I take this drug, by the second day I’m exhausted. Not only physically weak but also all I want to do is sleep. Even with the infection, I felt better before I start taking this medication. I’m going to finish the bottle as I should, but I don’t plan on doing anything other than being in bed the whole time.

my dr. put me on wellbutrin at the time i was diagnosed with asthma because that obviously meant i had to stop smoking. i have been taking it for 5 days, and this is my second day on the 300 mg. i noticed a difference almost immediately. by the third day of the lower 150mg dose i was in a great mood and getting lots done. i am assuming i will level out at some point, but the first day at 300mg felt a bit like what i would imagine speed to be. i didn't know i was depressed, but suddenly i am so happy and have so much energy that i am kind of realizing i am. cigarettes and food: i totally feel like i could take it or leave it. i have zero cravings for anything and feel like i am making better choices in general. tonight i was like 'hm-- should i have an oreo?' and rather than marching right over to the oreos my next thought was 'nah'. i am extremely nauseous and have had to choke down something to eat more than once in the last two days to try to relieve it. food doesn't taste the same and i'm not hungry even when my stomach is growling. if not for forcing myself i wouldn't have eaten anything since taking 300mg/day. i haven't weighed myself yet (got tired of trying to lose weight and tossed my scale) but i have no doubts that its doing just that. the leaves are literally greener. i experimented with a lot of drugs in college but never pharmaceuticals and this is my first experience with antidepressants-- this one is kind of awesome.

Ovarian polyps, irregular bleeding