Otezla (apremilast) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Otezla (apremilast)

Had the sample dosage pack, when last day of 20 mg started getting a headache. When I started the 30 mg, my head felt like it was blowing off including neck pain. I do get migraines and sinus headaches in the past.

My Rheumatologist said to stay off for a week then begin at 10 mgs every 3rd day.Was fine, no headaches then after 6 dose, I took 10mgs at night.Woke up at 2 am itching all over but no rash. Looked in mirror and my eyelids were swollen?? Took 2 Benadryls and in AM was fine

Not sleeping well and muscle pain in legs causing me to take ibuprofen - this is not a listed side effect

Loose stools, stomach cramps, tiredness, and severe muscle pain. Having to take Ibuprofen to help with pain.

When I first started taking Otezla I would get nauseous and I fixed this by eating half hour before taking it had occasional diarrhea nothing too dramatic up until now when the diarrhea hits me out of the blue without any warning usually an hour or two after taking the pill. Its pretty embarrassing and luckily I been home both times ! I only started to experience this strange event after I caught covid. Is their a connection, no idea but it seems odd.

My PSA is so bad I have to be on Cosentyx and Otezla without this combo I'm bedridden or house bound.

Started on 2 tabs a day. Cleared my severe psoriasis with 3 weeks. After 3 months, psoriasis came back moderately. Legs still clear, arms somewhat clear, face somewhat clear.

Loose bowel movements, the odd headache and feelings of nausea

Only been on it for a month and side effects are subsiding.Psoriasis is the best it's been for years, nearly all clear on body and greatly reduced on scalp

Nausea with my morning dose. Stomach cramping/gas with both doses

Extremely fatigued, depressed, headache, muscle cramps,diarrhea, back and shoulder pain, dry watery eyes,insomnia, elevated pains.

I started Apremilast 2 weeks ago.At first, the side effects were bad - diarrhoea, cramping pains and lots of gas, plus headaches. But they've gone now. I'm still a bit "loose" but I can manage just fine.It's already easing my symptoms so I'm glad I stuck with it

Rough to get used to, but worth it!

Been on this for 10 days already see clearing of the skin with no side effects to speak of.

Psoriatic Arthritis, psoriasis on m

Stomach pain, severe gas within an hour of taking, insomnia ,no appetite, loss of interest in anything.

The psoriasis on my scalp is gone in 30 days. Unsure if it is due to otezlla but I have gotten 2 UTI in 30 days, I also have blisters all over my tongue hurting really bad. Have not notice a difference I. Arthritis pain at all!

Palmar/Plantar Plaque Psoriasis

Had to adjust dose several times due to headache but fine now.No side effects now! Yay!

I am taking 1 every other day and 2 (am and pm) the other day ..my hands and feet cleared up like magic! Soooo happy! Called the Otezla help line and I get it free!

Diarrhea, gas, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, harsh chronic cough, runny nose, sore ears.

lost 10lbs, headaches, and hot flashes... all the time.

it worked great for about 3 months. Cleared my skin completely. But then my psoriasis came back, stayed on the medication for 3 more months before stopping. Within days after stopping otezla all the hot flashing stopped. Gained all the weight back. And no more headaches. I was really excited at first. Now I'm back to square one

Psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis

Can't take more than once a day or extreme side effects. Works good but not happy with excess gas.

Day 8 on starter pack. Skin is less scaly. Started coughing, I have allergies so not sure if its related.

Psoriasis, on my feet, palm of hand

Can't sleep well, lil depression, lost 10lbs, lost of appitite.

I like taking this drug, my hands, feet has healed up very well. I hope I can continue to stay on it. The side effects are not that bad for me, except sleeping. Lost weight, love that. It's working for me

I had headaches from the start, acid reflex, depression, and pain in my jaw.

It helped my psoriasis but not my pain

Nausea after morning dose, sometimes in the evening as well. Bowel issues, insomnia and horrible muscle cramps over my entire body. Slightly raised depression levels. No appetite and not thirsty. Headaches. Dr says keep taking it....hoping for good outcomes for patients

OTEZLA (APREMILAST): This medication is used to treat a certain type of arthritis (psoriatic arthritis). Apremilast is also used to treat a certain type of skin condition (moderate to severe plaque psoriasis). Apremilast belongs to a class of drugs known as phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) inhibitors. For the treatment of psoriatic arthritis, it decreases pain and swelling, and may help improve flexibility in the affected joints. For the treatment of plaque psoriasis, it may help to reduce the redness, thickening, and scaling of the skin that occurs with this condition. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Dizzy, drowsy, tired, sleep all day, headache, feel weak.

With the Zoloft I had gained 20lbs over the last 2 years. Overeating was very common for me on this med. With the Wellbutrin my appetite is greatly diminished, I have lost 9lbs in the 3 months of use.

If you are on any medication for anxiety or depression, I would be extremely cautious regarding the use of this drug.

Did not flush me out completely. Did not start going until after my 3 hours of drinking were done. Kept going following morning and after procedure. Some chills, no nausea or vomiting. Colonoscopy was worse!

rapid heart rate, hypertension

i do not recommend this drug at all

The side effects are the problem. I do have Mitral Valve Prolapse but was recommended to try it anyway. I had jitters and anxiety right away that I was told would subside with time. I could deal with that. I then started having pain in between my shoulder blades that has gotten steadily worse. It is a squeezing, pressure pain with some burning at times. I skipped it one day and the pain was better. When I resumed the pain did too. I was also feeling a "weird" sensation in my chest that progressed to pressure sensations by this past Wed. (I had been taking it about 2 weeks). It got bad enough yesterday that I was considering if I needed to go to the ER and have it checked. I am not going to take anymore until I can talk to my Dr. It is a holiday weekend so that will be a couple of days.

In the first few days I had bad breath and could only sleep about an hour before I would wake up for no reason. One day I felt a little "spacey", but nothing to really complain about.

Will never take again. I don't understand why this happened, I have taken alleve before with no side effects whatsoever.

i HATE this shot. yes it prevents pregnancy but the side effects are terrible. ive been spotting for about a week straight had a heavy period for about 8 days and am currently spotting as we speak. its inconsistent and annoying. ive gained 10 pounds in 3 months and counting i eat healthy and work out but ironically i gain more weight and i am getting wider. my moods swing left and right im either really depressed, super happy, or really mad and that can change in seconds. i constantly have stomach pains and headaches. i have 0 self esteem thanks to this shot its NO BUENO. please dont try it. take it from me.