Osmoprep (sodium phosphate, dibasic anhydrous; sodium phosphate, monobasic, monohydrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Osmoprep (sodium phosphate, dibasic anhydrous; sodium phosphate, monobasic, monohydrate)

I have ulcerative colitis so I have a colonoscopy every 2 years. I have drank the nasty tasting stuff and I have used Osmoprep several times. I will continue using Osmoprep every time. It works as directed and my doc has never said I wasn't clean enough. Nor have I had any side effects after my test.

Best prep for me! That other stuff makes me gag.

Bloating, nausea, thirst, high blood pressure, headache, general discomfort.

I took this for colonoscopy prep thinking it would be easy. It's easy to take, but it didn't work despite following the directions meticulously. I was loaded with the drug (which is sodium-based) for a week and miserable with headaches, high blood pressure, bloating, and generally feeling awful. Yes, it's easier, but it's terrible to wake up after the procedure and hear "we couldn't see all of your colon--you need to do this again."

OSMOPREP (SODIUM PHOSPHATE, DIBASIC ANHYDROUS; SODIUM PHOSPHATE, MONOBASIC, MONOHYDRATE): This medication is used to clean out the intestines before a colonoscopy. Sodium phosphate is a laxative that works by drawing large amounts of water into the colon, causing you to have watery bowel movements. This cleans out the intestines so that your doctor can clearly view them during your colonoscopy. This medication should not be used for weight loss or constipation due to the possibility of severe side effects. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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omg...i thought i was dying. fatigue,anixety attacks,heart problems sort of like heart attack symptoms, i had been rushed to the er 3 times, scary thought following completion of the pill i was put on high blood pressure n anixety pills...so glad to know i wasnt alone thanks everyone for your input oh and i also now have a uti because of this..tired of feeling run down EVERYDAY!!!

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GAK! that taste! That is almost enough to quit taking it. 2.) Very vivid dreams, nightmares, "prolonged waking sleep."

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