Oracea (doxycycline) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Oracea (doxycycline)

Constipation started after starting this drug over two months ago. No change in diet or hydration. Thyroid levels checked. Still dealing with constipation. Previously was having daily BM.

I think my doctor overprescribed because she also gave me Soolantra and Clindamycin topicals. Rosacea is better now but not sure that all three of these meds were necessary. I wish I had never taken this medication.

Minor constipation when I started. Eating yogurt or taking probiotics while on this or any antibiotic is probably a good idea.

I started having itchy welts and what I thought were zits on my forehead and cheeks about a year before going to the Derm. He dignosed it as papulopustular rosacea. I also had some eye problems, mostly around my lower eye lids. I started taking the Oracea and within a week my face was significantly better. The itching has almost completely stopped and I rarely have any welts. I had forgotten what it was like to not have mosquito bite-like welts all over my face. I've been on it for about 90 days. I worry what will happen when I stop taking it. Other than that, this stuff has been a god send.

I've developed heartburn in the past 3 years, which I believe is probably related to this medication. However, the benefits are so phenomenal, I've just added Prevacid and I'm fine.

This medication has been a godsend to me. I used to experience excruciating burning in my face as well as redness, but the burning was there whether or not my face was red. It was so painful that I would just want to cry. I've used the medication for 3-4 years and I have never had even one episode of burning. The acne is virtually nil (occasional flareup) and the redness is nearly gone. I believe I have permanent redness that will never go away, but overall, I'm extremely happy with how my skin looks and feels. Sad that the heartburn developed since I really don't want to have to take a Prevacid-type medication, but the payoff is worth it. I've never had any problem with joint paint or nausea after taking it. In fact, when I asked my dermatologist if the heartburn could be related, he said I didn't need to wait an hour to eat after taking the medication. BTW, my heartburn usually starts several hours after I've taken my dose, so it doesn't start right away. Also, I used to have a lengthy history of yeast infections so I have sworn off antibiotics as much as possible. I have had no yeast infections while on this medication. I love love love it!

worked wonders on face and eyes, like magic. Yeast infection for 8 months however (lingering long after I quit Oracea) was too high a price to pay ... so, no Oracea for me. Too bad as it delivered on its stated promise. Oh, and they mean it when state to take and remain UPRIGHT for an hour before eating. Or GERD will develop ...

Still haven't seen improvements with this so far but it has only been 2 months..

Joint and back pain. I also had joint and back pain when I used tetracycline in the past.Has caused yeast infections for me in past. To prevent that, I take garlic tablets every day. Oracea does a fairly good job on my rosacea, but I don't like the side effects. I feel like I have the flu, hurt all over.

Only recently have I wondered if the heartburn I've had for the last year or so is related to this. Anyone else with this problem?

I'm thrilled with how my face looks. No more red bumps, no more scaling and flaking. I'm able to cover up my redness (broken blood vessels) with makeup.

ORACEA (DOXYCYCLINE): This medication is used to treat a certain type of skin condition called rosacea. It helps to reduce the number of pimples and bumps on the face, but it may not decrease redness. It works by reducing skin inflammation caused by rosacea. Although doxycycline belongs to the class of antibiotics known as tetracyclines, this product does not work as an antibiotic because it does not stop the growth of bacteria. Therefore, do not use this product to treat any infection, including viral infections (such as the common cold, flu). Use this medication only as prescribed by your doctor. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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If you're experincing racing heartbeat, get a bucket/bowl of ice cold water and dunk your entire face in for 20-30 secs this helps bring your heart rate down. If it doesn't help the first time you dunk, try it a couple more times.Doctors use this method when patients come in with racing heartbeat before resorting to medication. Hope this helps someone.

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If an adult person is experiencing such severe problems, what about children, babies (toddlers) for that matter, who are unable to express their feelings, is very devastating; Zyrtec and others similar to it need monitoring and regulating by the Food Drug Administration or any other departments responsible to oversee drugs usage.

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