Optivar (azelastine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Optivar (azelastine hydrochloride)

I had a burning when I used it in my eyes, but the itching/eye allergies stopped.

I like Patanol better since it doesn't burn/sting my eyes.

Works great, lasts all day for my itchy eyes, which were not helped by other allergy eye meds.

Optivar really reduced the swelling around my eyes. It relieves the congestion from my allergies even into my ears. My allergies cause my vision to blur and the Optivar helps that also.

horrible taste in my throat and buring in eyes -

asked my doctor for different rx

Side Effects foroptivar (azelastine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Triggered what appears to be a herpes outbreak. Swelled burning lips and red spots. I have thought that I had herpes, but have not been able to confirm. I suspected Aleve so stopped using it and I did not have a "outbreak" for 2 years. After taking one pill last night I broke out within hours. I hesitated before taking the pill because I had suspicions, now it is confirmed. If I have herpes, then Aleve definitely triggers the outbreak, but after reading some of these comments, I may be having reaction to the Aleve.

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Shaking hands. Cramps in lower leg extremities and forearms. Foggy headed.

Did not work. Groggy all day and 5 hours of restless sleep if I got lucky. Lunesta is much better.

Increased heart rate, dizzy, cold skin, a bit moody. I starting taking this 4 days ago. I have noticed a cumulative effect and now I feel like I took a whole bunch of speed. I am throwing the rest of this crap away.

iam also taking .25 of xanax twice a day and 7 1/2 mg. of buspar twice aday along with 12.5 mg of pacil cr.

Initially, I though the problem was arthritis. But after viewing this site, I can read all of my symptoms. I wish I had viewed this site sooner. I just got curious because the aching seemed to go from the arm to the back of the neck, then hand. Also, initially I thought it was my chair since I work on a computer all day. I just want to say I hope people keep writing down their experiences.

ringing in my ears, brains zaps (I also describe these as slinks in my head) dry mouth, weight gain and excessive sweating. I did not have any side effects for the first two months and the drug does help my pain but I cannot handle the side effects any more. How do you get off this drug??????

Side effects from my first and only dose were extreme: hypertension, headache, nausea, vertigo, sleep disturbances, abdomen felt like supernovas were exploding in it. And my fibroid bleeding increased!