Opdivo (nivolumab) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Opdivo (nivolumab)

OPDIVO (NIVOLUMAB): Nivolumab is used to treat cancer. It works by changing the action of your own immune system, directing it to attack cancer cells. Nivolumab belongs to a class of drugs known as monoclonal antibodies. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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i am upset i did this to my body i went a year being off of birth control and my body was fine now i took this pill for five days and i am an emotional wreck i already suffer with anxiety and this pill made it worst i have been emotional crying all the time anxious and sad i have decided to completely stop birth control altogether because i think the hormones does something to mental health i think if you already have mental health issues you should not be on birth control as women we are already naturally emotional so to get a pill that makes you more emotional is just too much i tried to stick it out but yesterday was the last straw for me i was sitting in my room and i was overcome with nausea and anxious thoughts

Extreme restlessness at first but eased off by two weeks.

I am currently on Ortho Tri-Cyclin Lo, but I have also taken regular Ortho Tri-Cyclin and found both pills to be very satisfying. Aside from the negative side effects I mentioned (both of which may or may not be related to the drug itself), I give no thought to the pill except when I'm required to take it at night. Fortunately enough, I've never taken TriNessa or any of the other horrible generic brands mentioned on this site. Thank you all for your comments, they were very helpful!

Heavy bleeding, cramps, nausea, depressed, and severe mood swings.

it lowers my blood sugar way to lay. I have lost so much weight since being switch to this insulin. I do not like it at all.

A bad taste was left in my mouth for about two or three days, and dark urine.

I used to be a very active individual with no underlying mental illness. This drug has made me lose interest in everything I enjoyed. I used to work out everyday. I loved it. Now taking chantix I hate it and can't motivate myself. My relationship is horrible since taking chantix, I think my boyfriend of 3 years is getting ready to leave. My anger goes from a 1 to a 100 in a matter of seconds. This medicine has made me feel bat shit crazy. I still can't give up the smoking. Even though at this point there's no enjoyment anymore.

Saturday morning, I was given two 10mg iv doses of Reglan (Maxeran) for having migraines for two weeks. It worked to get rid of the migraines but as soon as the second bag was done dripping, I felt like I needed to leave the hospital or I was going to jump out of my skin. I couldn't sit still at all and kept telling my boyfriend I had to leave. I was restless for the rest of the day but couldn't fall asleep. I cried a lot, felt awful emotionally and physically. Had dark, dark thoughts too of hurting myself, which is completely out of the norm for me. I slept maybe three hours total Saturday night and kept waking up. On Sunday morning I woke up with my heart rate at 148bpm and feeling extremely jittery and anxious. I had chest pains and pains in my left shoulder/arm. I went back to the ER and had an ecg, blood work up and chest xray. All of which were negative of course. The Doc ended up giving me Ativan to decrease the jitters, reduce my heart rate and help me sleep. I'm now two days out and still feel jittery, anxious and not myself. I feel like a zombie half the time but can't seem to sleep. Basically I have full withdrawal symptoms from ONE DOSE of 20mg of Reglan. DON'T TAKE THIS DRUG, it's not worth the side effects!!!

I will never take this drug again.

Severe anxiety,headaches,joint pain,severe hair loss,weight gain,brain fog,Skin eruptions on front of shin.Insomnia.