Ondansetron (ondansetron) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ondansetron (ondansetron)

ONDANSETRON (ONDANSETRON): This medication is used alone or with other medications to prevent nausea and vomiting caused by cancer drug treatment (chemotherapy), radiation treatment, or drugs used to put you to sleep before surgery. Ondansetron works by blocking one of the body's natural substances (serotonin) that causes vomiting. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I had to take 2 tablets in the morning and 2 at night for 7 days but I quit early because of the yeast infection and depression.

I cannot believe some of the comments about this. I am convinced they are made up.

I've used it at work and can't hardly function without it. Now I seem to chew one piece after another. I think it is worse than smoking as far as the addiction

Excellent blood pressure lowering effect but high dose has bad side effects. Currently taking 5mg per day.

Nausia, vomiting, hot and cold flashes, dizziness.

Swelling of both legs... 5 pitting edema. Joint pains in my feet...nerve pAins on feet and legs...some tingling on hands...i stopped, then next felt back pains....

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I was shocked to read all of these horrible problems experienced while taking Boniva! I took Fosomax for almost two years and then started taking Boniva. I took it for another nine months and had a bone density test, which indicated that the meds have helped me move from the Osteoporitic ranges of T scores to the Osteopeneic ranges......great results! I have not had the first side effect and feel as though these meds have helped me beat the odds against a disease that has crippled previous generations of my family members. If you are considering taking either Fosomax or Boniva, please try it before making a decision based upon others' experiences. If I had read the entries on this website before I had started on Fosomx and Boniva (and based my judgement solely on them) I would never have taken the meds that may well change the course of my senior years.

Significant short-term memory loss (which improved at doses under 200 mg. per day), nausea when swapping doses up OR down (sometimes significant enough to miss work), heartburn, nightmares

20 year old male college student at UNC-CH. I am familiar with my body, my moods, and how I like to feel. I eat a very healthy diet, exercise, and consider myself intelligent. Do not take this drug, there is always a better option than amphetamines. I have very thick hair, and this drug made my hair get brittle, thin, and fall out. Scary stuff. I loved the increased ability to focus, and got addicted to it in a way. But the side effects were enough to make me say HELL NO. Please reconsider.