Omnipen (ampicillin) (ampicillin/ampicillin trihydrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Omnipen (ampicillin) (ampicillin/ampicillin trihydrate)

Could not eat while taking medication. No matter how many hours I waited to eat after taking the medication, I would begin to have sharp pains in the upper stomach area that lasted for hours. The food seem to not digest and felt as if it was coming back up at any minute.I informed my physician, and he instructed me to discontinue usage.

Side Effects foromnipen (ampicillin) (ampicillin/ampicillin trihydrate) - User Comments


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I hated MTX & hope never to take it again. For 6 mos, took MTX on each of 3 consecutive days per wk Folic Acid on the other 4 days. Started with 7.5mg each day, gradually raised to 2-2-1 schedule [i.e., Day 1: 15mg (or 2 tabs)--Day 2: 15mg(2 tabs)--Day 3: 7.5mg(1 tab)], followed by gradual tapering off from MTX. Felt as if everything was leached out of me: energy, concentration, memory, my conscious being. Nausea, bone-deep lethargy, so out-of-it, I couldn't say whether pain & psoriatic symptoms reduced or not.

In higher doses, be close to a couch or bed. Sleep is almost immediate. Complete relaxation of all muscles is quickly attained. Relieves tension of muscles which tense during migraine pain.

although these symptoms seemed severe at first in about 12 weeks they seemed to have decreased. I have lost 22lbs at first slow but consitent. I feel this is one of the only meds that have worked for me. In the beginning I thought - no way can't do this and now I feel like there is no way I can stop this! my advice is be patinet!!!!

Severe headaches, increased urination, moderate to severe neusea at around 5:30am-6:30am (not when I need to get up for the day either), DEPRESSION, severe agitation, descreased energy and increased fatique, Mood swings, weight gain.

Regulate Periods, birth control

I was extremely pleased and my body thanked me.

I take a low-dose narcotic for chronic pain, and it has made me constipated. Let me tell you, I had a horrible experience with this Miralax. I went to my pain management doctor a week before my wedding date and said that I felt horrible, and I didn't want to be constipated for my wedding. So he suggested this "Miralax." No result for 4 days, and then 2 days before my wedding, I began having horrible, explosive diarrhea. I stopped the Miralax, but my diarrhea was unrelenting. On my wedding day, I was still suffering, but I thought I'd be OK aside from just gas. The most embarrassing thing that has every happened in my life transpired: I went the bathroom (pooped) myself as I was walking down the aisle. I thought it was going to be a silent gas release (a fart), but it was obviously more.

This shit is dangerous!! After taking my bedtime dose, I could not control my muscles. I was unable to lift my legs and arms to get into bed. All I could do was pull a pillow to the floor and then sleep next to my bed until a few hours later when it wore off. Also, I would wake up in the morning and walk into my kitchen to discover that I had been up during the night cooking/frying food, which I had no memory of whatsoever. I was shocked when I saw the mess, not to mention that I could have burned my house down! I gained 15 pounds and haven't been able to lose it since. Worst of all, I went out of town to visit an old friend. I took my pill and have no memory after that. In the morning, my friend told me she had to carry me to bed because I couldn't walk. She thought I was on some kind of illegal drug (I don't do drugs), or I was drunk (I don't drink). I tried to explain the side effects I was having with Seroquel, but apparently she didn't believe me because she hasn't talked to me ever since. Very sad. My doctor said he had never heard of this reaction from his other patients. Seroquel was my worst nightmare.

Nightmares. Taken for four days and have had two nightmares

I had the same type of problems with zyrtec only with that, I started getting real paranoid. I think there is something wrong with these drugs, mess with your central nervous system too much. I am usually a happy go lucky guy, but on this, Mr Hyde's bad side came out big time. My wife carried a ball bat around with her with my name on it.... whew... just kidding, but she was loosing patience with me fast..... be careful with this. I am sure some people have to take it, but be aware of any changing behavior problems.