Omacor (omega-3acid ethyl esters) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Omacor (omega-3acid ethyl esters)

I take 2,000 mg per day and my triglyceride levels typically measure in the 35 to 50 range.

My triglycerides was 500. PCP ordered 4 caps a day. TG went down to 250 after a month. The following month, not a whole lot has changed but it was down to 246. Been on Omacor for 4 month so far and haven't seen any SE. Rigth now, my PCP wants me to cut my intake to 2 caps a day, add TriCor 48mg daily, then check lipid profile and LFTs after 3 months of this new regimen.

Triglycerides where 260 after 80 days on pill up to 262. Developed skin problems all over. Worst on the face, needed to put a cream on twice a day to control. What an expensive waste of money and time.

Had a mole turn to cancer at same time this stuff caused all this skin problem ( may or may not be related). Stopped taking it about 10 days ago and the skin problem is almost gone.

Side Effects foromacor (omega-3acid ethyl esters) - User Comments


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Dizziness, accelerated heart rate, left arm and neck pain, restlessness, headaches, dark urine, frequent urination and much more.

For te first 3 days, my body felt like I had the flu and was cying every 10 minutes, then laughing, then crying again and didn't know why. Just felt bad, but that went away after the 3rd day. Also constipation, mild hallucinations during first 3 months (I always thought a fly was buzzing around me!), increased sex drive only for a few months, vivid crazy dreams usually about my husband. Side effects weren't bad. Don't take it with Allegra D- I almost passed out! Side effects only lasted 3 months at the most- now I have none except for constipation, which I can relieve with a small dose of coffee. The weird dreams are still there, but they're entertaining- my husband enjoys hearing about his crazy escapades in my dreams.

WEIGHT GAIN! spaced out, oblivious, increased my mania at the time and made me not care about anything.

I have been off Levaquin almost 3 years and suffered 90 symptoms. I am now left with extreme fatigue, blurred vision, decreased cognitive abilities, muscle cramps/tightness, hip pain and breathing abnormalities. I can't believe how this medicine has taken away 3 good years of my life. One day the pharmaceutical companies will have to pay for what they have done to so many of us. We're guinea pigs!!!!!

I love this med. and hate it! It's sometimes a pain literally, but it works. I have been ovulating more frequently, but still long cycles around 35 days. I am just now starting Clomid with this and hoping that works.

Scariest drug I've ever taken. Pain and irritation in vaginal area, but worse was vertigo. It was so bad I thought I was having a stroke. I couldn't walk from my bed to the bathroom by myself for 2 days. I was vomiting, afraid to move my head and afraid to eat.

Lexapro (10 mg) changed my life. I used to be a maniac and now I'm pretty normal. I still get a little irritable around my time of the month but nothing like it used to be. I still feel tired on a regular basis more than I used to. I definitely gained weight unfortunately. I just joined the gym and am also looking for a weight loss pill to assist me in the 20 lbs I want to lose. It's all been worth it though. I recommend Lexapro to anyone that's struggling with the same things I did. It really works.

It sounds like a good idea to only have a period every 3 months, but it's not worth the side effects to me. I guess we always want something more; or in this case, something less!