Olux (clobetasol propionate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Olux (clobetasol propionate)

After 3 weeks, I had a lot of stomach burning and pain.

It does help scalp psoriasis, but I will have to use it on an on/off basis.

This helped my scalp psoriasis, BUT since it is a steroid, I had some problems. I started feeling sick after using it approximately 4 weeks. Severe stomach problems. Nervousness. Overall feeling of poor health. I had to stop using this product. It's a very high powered steroid.

This is the first treatment for scalp psoriasis which has actually worked for me, and I've had the condition for over 50 years. Easy to apply, and it doesn't make your hair greasy. I hope there are no long-term side effects!

OLUX (CLOBETASOL PROPIONATE): Clobetasol is used to treat certain scalp and skin conditions (e.g., psoriasis, dermatitis, rash). Clobetasol reduces the swelling, itching and redness that can occur in these types of conditions. This medication is a very strong (super-high-potency) corticosteroid. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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while my depression improved a bit, as well as my libido, it wasn't worth the tradeoff of SEVERE anger. i felt the exact same rage when i was on Wellbutrin -- both drugs inhibit the reuptake of norepinephrine -- which is the cause of the anger side effect.

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celebrex never really got rid of pain even though every doctor seemed to pass it out like candy! all of the stomach pain and other severe issues have stopped once I gave up the Celebrex.My 8o yo mother however took it for ten years although I tried to get her to stop. Has been told she now has type three kidney failure. What a thing to deal with in old age after leading a clean life! Her kidney doc took her off of the celebrex immediately. One more thing...read the pamphlet! Most of these drugs are not meant to be prescribed long term and will damaged other organs. Examine all your options.