Olanzapine (olanzapine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Olanzapine (olanzapine)

OLANZAPINE (OLANZAPINE): Olanzapine is used to treat certain mental/mood conditions (such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder). It may also be used in combination with other medication to treat depression. This medication can help to decrease hallucinations and help you to think more clearly and positively about yourself, feel less agitated, and take a more active part in everyday life. Olanzapine belongs to a class of drugs called atypical antipsychotics. It works by helping to restore the balance of certain natural substances in the brain. Talk to the doctor about the risks and benefits of treatment (especially when used by teenagers). See also Precautions section. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

I had several side effects but my main concern was FLUID RETENTION.

I was started out on 100 MG and it was like night and day! I could stay awake, and another lovely bonus was weight loss..no overbearing appetite. However, my body became accustomed to the dosage, so I was upped to 200MG. Now I'm getting the sluggishness, time passage without awareness, and jaw clenching with mood swings. I go off the drug on weekends (It's supposed to leave your system in 8 hours...right!) and the side effects are still present.

Jan 1,2005 wt.239 March 21,2005 wt.218

Horrible hot flushes, weight gain

There are no side effects to using cortifoam on a short term basis. I usually only need to use it 2 or 3 days for relief from bleeding. If I am very inflamed, it burns a little at first. The burning is minor and quickly goes away.

drank this poison on 7/7/15, close to death for 6 months, I now have chemical colitis and permanent never damage that is incurable as per my physician. From my mouth to my rectum was burned from this poison. I have spent my entire life savings on treatments trying not to die. The only reason this is given to medicare pts is because it is the one medicare will pay for. In my past I had 7 other colonoscopies without a problem. This drug has destroyed my life from what I had prior to taking the drug.I am basically a shut in a go only to the doctor or to purchase supplements.It is always about money for the drug companies, not for the safety of the patients. My advice to everyone is don't take this poison as there are many gentle cleansers available, medicare just wont pay.

Mild heartburn once or twice a week after taking it.

Little to no side effects. I was EXTREMELY hungry for the first month because I had done a little research after taking the shot and was super paranoid about gaining weight because I am only 110lbs to begin with. I am 2/3 into my first shot and just beginning to be on the irritable side.

This drug is POISON! While taking my first half dose infusion I started to Get a headache. I TOLD the nurse giving the infusion and she said to take a tylenol when I went home and to taken one before my next infusion next month. By the time I got home my head was ready to explode and I was nauseaus. This lasted for days. I then began to break out in an eyelid infection that overtook my eyelid and turned it purple. The side of my eye swelled up. I also broke out in a cold sore on my lower lip. I never have cold sores or eye infections let alone at the same time. My skin turned red like I had a rash in different parts of my neck and arms .When I went to my Rheumatologist for the next infusion I still had the above mentioned symptoms. It was determined that they should go ahead with the second dose which would be a full dose. I again had an immediate headache even though I took the tylenol as prescribed. They pre-treated me with nausea medication and antibiotics. This time beside the headache, I broke out into a rash that had pustules that would pop. Skin that pealed away, lips and throat that swelled, my eye got worse and so did the cold sore. I had seeplesness for two weeks sleeping only two hrs at a time. Now after three weeks from my last infusion I am beginning to sleep again. My eye and lip is still messed up and hurts. I am still breaking out into pustules and am going to see a Dermatologist tomorrow. I am still using the anti anxiety medication they had to give me to

Never again. About 15 minutes after, I felt intense itching in my feet and hands that couldn't be alleviated. My breathing when shallow and rapid and I asked my husband to take my BP as I thought it might be up, it was so far down; 65/48. After about 10 minutes on the bed, I tried to get up and passed out on the floor but my husband said my eyes were wide open and glazed over. When I came to, I couldn't get up, so he called 911 and I spent the night in the emergency room. Received benadryl, fluids and steroid shots.