Ocuclear (oxymetazoline hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ocuclear (oxymetazoline hydrochloride)

I highly recommend to stay away from this nasal spray ingredient oxymetazoline hydrochloride. Yes, it works on clearing your sinuses, but it becomes addictive and then it starts damaging your health. Try something more safer and non drug. I did and it works. I can't tell you what safe nasal spray I have found, but do research on natural and safe nasal spray. GODJESUS Bless

I actually took Afrin, but it has the same main ingredient -- oxymetazoline hydrochloride!

Side Effects forocuclear (oxymetazoline hydrochloride) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

The medicine helped my diagnosis, however the side effects were frustrating.

Pregnancy with low progesterone lvl

Was given in ER--SHEER PANIC, followed by uncontrollable movements. Was given benadryl and ativan to counteract, then felt like my brains had been scrambled--still not feeling quite right.

A bit expensive but well worth it!

High blood pressure / hypertension

thyroid cancer (surgery 3 yrs ago)

My daughter started complaining about feeling full all the time. She will experience bout of crying spell during the night and very hyper at times. I also noticed that she had some involuntary movements of her body while sleeping.

I wasn't feeling great when I went to the doctor, but I felt much worse when I started taking this drug. I thought I was going crazy or was going to die. I took it for 10 days and have been off of it almost 3 weeks, but didn't realize the drug could be causing all of these feelings until I read these postings. I have been to my doctor twice since my original visit, and she has yet to mention that what I'm feeling could be caused by CIPRO. In fact, she scheduled me for an MRI on my head (which came back normal) and a ton of blood work (which also came back normal). Thankfully, some of the symptoms are subsiding or at least improving. Nausea is gone and appetite is back. Eye problems are getting better. The ringing in my ears has lessened but still there. The "buzzing" or pressure feeling in my head is gone, but I do still feel "shaky" on the inside at times. However, the tenderness throughout my body is still here, and I'm still experiencing anxiety and fat

I only took Estrostep for 8 days, but what I experienced was a drastic mood swing and have been on an emotional rollercoaster for a week...am still recovering after 3 days of being off the pill. I do take Wellbutrin XL and Zoloft to regulate some anxiety and depression problems I've experienced, but that has been very successful for 2 to 3 years....have not had an episode like this in a long time.

I have been taking xenical for around 3 weeks but there is no oily stool. Im just concerned because when i took it last year, i lost good weight, around 8 kgs in a month. I am not losing even a single kilo even though im goin to the gym regularly and dieting. Can anyone help on it please? I really need some suggestions :(