Nystop (nystatin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Nystop (nystatin)


NYSTOP (NYSTATIN): Nystatin is used to treat fungal skin infections. Nystatin is an antifungal that works by stopping the growth of fungus. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Insomnia (2 hours sleep a night typical)Aggression (hey, it is an amphetamine after all)Soy sauce and vintage cheese sensitivity

i wish they would also explain why some people have the serious side effects. it is scary ti know you are having trouble with a drug and do not know why.

I experience post nasal drip every single night which results in waking with a sore throat. I never had it before using Restasis and know that the drug is the cause, because on the 4 occasions that I forgot the evening dose I did not have the post nasal drip all night and NO sore throat in the morning! Not sure what the answer will be for an alternative but 7 months of this is too long!

Sinus infection and ear infection

Drowsiness shortly after taking, then severe headache, dilated pupils, fast heartrate and elevated BP, insomnia

Fatigue after the first week. I stopped it after five days, then I started experiencing nausea, metallic taste, more extreme fatigue, altered sense of smell and increased sensitivity to unpleasant smell.

I have been sweating profusely and feel very hot frequently since taking the drug. Anyone else with these sympoms?Thanks.

Headaches, fitful sleeping and takes a while to get going in the morning. Other than that it has helped enormounsly with my depression

Took it during pregnancy, stopped cold turkey after joint pain and pain stopped in two weeks started on the SCD diet which helped a lot

Stomach cramping and stomach tenderness first day. Second day severe stomach tenderness softer stools, headache. By second night watery diarrhoea and severe cramping lower abdomen and Stomach tenderness. Stopped taking third day in the morning after experience loose water bowel movements after putting anything including water in my mouth. Have severe headache ans stomach pain and continuing diarrhoea 15 hrs after I stopped taking.