Nortriptyline hydrochloride (nortriptyline hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Nortriptyline hydrochloride (nortriptyline hydrochloride)

Took 1 at first but noticed I still had a lot of energy after 2 hours of taking it so I took the second one as directed and still NO SLEEP!!!! The next day my left eye was twitching non stop & that was very very irritating!!! This is day 2 and my eye is still twitching & I haven't taken anymore since that first day! I hope the twitching stops soon! About to flush the remaining pills down the toilet!!!!! So don't take unless you're looking forward to unexpected twitching for days at a time!!!!!! Ijs

Don't do it ....try some over the counter meds first if you are wanting sleep! IJS

Severe constipation; weight gain (approx 10kg); no alleviation in symptoms; malaise/ chronic fatigue; no libido; felt worse.

Allegron (brand name) only made me feel worse. It made me fat and gave me bowel problems.

After slowly raising dosage to 100mg over 3 months, Nortriptyline has diminished my lower back pain from a constant excruciating pain to a manageable state where I can almost eliminate the use of oxycontin. While I was reluctant to keep on taking it, I am now glad that my pain specialist insisted. I am now at 125 mg daily and functioning almost like before the on start of my back problems.

For Back pain, Sleep, mood elivater

Penis died, Planning Funeral. Horrible dry mouth, Depressing dreams. causes hunger, and weight gain, but not as much astrazadone. Does help imsomnia, but still a little sleepy inmorning. I have six compressed nerves and spinal synosis.Can't see any benefit for back pain.I'm thinking of discontinuig this med. Dry mouth driving menuts. I still have dry mouth only minutes after drinking apint of water.

As far as I can tell, most all of these nerve blocking meds havesimilar side effects.

Weight gain, cravings, fatique/tired during the day

For 3 years this drug as given me an excellant nights sleep most every single night. But I'm not wanting to be hungry and tired during the day. I'm considering cutting back to every other day. See how that goes. But it does do what it says it will...for me anyways!

Side Effects fornortriptyline hydrochloride (nortriptyline hydrochloride) - User Comments


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It increases my blood pressure

I KNEW my SUDDEN weight gain had to do with this medicine, yet my doctor AND his nurse kept saying it didn't! HA! Thanks to the other comments here, I now know they're full of crap! While I may have an UNDERactive thyroid (and I'm on med's for that too), I can now go to the doctor on Monday and tell her that I want off this medicine. Either that or she'd better be ready to recommend a different doctor to me!

I went on this drug to help with the anxiety and the panic attacks that I was suffering from. If I had known the effect that this drug would have put me in, I would never have even attempted it. Although in the long run, it did help with my panic attacks as I am no longer in fear of them after dealing with and getting through the absolute state of fear that this drug induced in me. I would suggest to anyone to explore alternates roots first such as talk therapy and keep the drugs as a backup. If you can find the underlying factors of your anxiety and learn to deal with it and that there is nothing to fear, you can recover completely from anxiety disorders without the drugs.

Had to swtich due to insurance/cost

weight gain = 60 lbs in 1 yr, craving sweets, developed pre-diabetic condition, BANKRUPTED ME AS EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE

Extreme mood swings, ovary pain, cramping, increased appetite.

I didn't realize Spironolactone was causing unwanted effects I had the dose reduced from 25mg to 12.5.I did know it reduced my blood pressure.My mood lifted and my appetite returned.The reduction is experimental because my blood pressure was too low and the symptoms were unbearable to me.The tippyness and light headedness is gone.

Before i was diagnosed with prolactinoma,i had terrible head ache,missed periods,mood swings and tender breast. The doctor told me that it's the cause of elevated prolactin which is 59 so they put me on parlodel for 1 month. 2 weeks of taking the med i experienced light headednes,irritability.after 1 month my prolactin level went back to normal. Then after 2 months without parlodel it elevated again so my doctor told me to take parlo for two months. Last monday, i had my test and the result is soooooo weird! Instead of going down it went up. from 54 to 120?! Still waiting for my next appoinment with my dr

I have had a headache for 3 weeks. Usually my chiropractor is able to release any tension in my head, however lately I have the worst headaches. I finally decided to google headache/loestrin and I see that I am not the only one. I am going to stop taking them and ask for something a bit kinder to my body.

Abdominal bloating, arm burn tingling sensations in fingers and itching, feel of heart beating, tiredness, dizziness at some points. Not feeling sane. Anxiety, heart palpitations.