Norgestimate and ethinyl estradiol (ethinyl estradiol; norgestimate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Norgestimate and ethinyl estradiol (ethinyl estradiol; norgestimate)

Extreme panic attack which has never happened before, nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite, lightheaded, intense shaking. This all happened on the 3rd and 4th day of taking these pills.

Belly hurt so bad it put me in the er. They done test thinking gallblatter, ulcer but it was just the pills. I couldn't eat without throwing up. I was in so much pain. Do not recommend.

Severe panic attack. Shortness of breath. Anxiety nausea loss of appetite headache

No obvious side effects at start although i am unsure if almost black discharge is because of the pill....

Lovely purple colour pill, useful pack with days of the week on

Super sore nipples! Nausea, has been my biggest problem. I workout a lot and haven't had any motivation or strength to since I started taking this.

Side Effects fornorgestimate and ethinyl estradiol (ethinyl estradiol; norgestimate) - User Comments


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Headaches (daily after 45 or so days) so can't take any more.

Severe neck pain with in 20 minutes of taking Relpax. migraine disappears in 30 mins but need to take 3 mersyndol for neck at the same time.

All over trembling, dizzyness & weakness.

HBP started between July 04 & March 05. Went from 110/80 to 170/108. Am scheduled for a renal arterial ultrasound and have a 2 week checkup on the effects of Lotrel this coming week. BP has dropped to

Extremely sore arm, headache, chills, fever, muscle aches & fatigue for about 4 days.5 days later I developed tingling & numbness in both hands. Extreme headache. Numbers spread from ribcage to toes. I've been in hospital .for 16 days now. After multiple mri's & CT scans, lumbar puncture, ekg, eeg, nerve conduction & bloodwork galore they have ruled out Lyme & GBS, & can find no other infection or mpingenent in nerves/muscluature, can't dnd infection. Have had very slight improvement with some sensation returning. Discharge from hospital tomorrow. Continue PT at home. I was healthy & active previously. I firmly believe that in the absence of any othervdiagnosis it was the Shingrix vax.

confusion, severe pain in shoulders, back. chills headache, nausea, irritation in throat, dizziness. all this in just hours of taking I pill. shortness of breath,

The side effects are making me feel awful. Heart palpitations and fluttering. Bad headache and dizziness. A kind of ringing in my ears. I feel nauseous and on the verge of throwing up often. If I exert myself I break out into a sweat and feel an increase in nausea. It's affecting my ability to do everyday things.

excitation, severe nausea, insomnia, muscle aches, depression, diarrhea

I love Topamax in the sense that my seizures have calmed. I haven't had a grand mal in 3 years, and the amount of partial and petite is less than 1/2 of what it used to be. As a runner, my run time has gone way down. My feet kick when I run. I feel completely like an idiot at work (my boss and I have talked, but not comforting still). Just out of body experiences alot. Weight loss didn't effect me too much (Type 1 diabetic), but overall things are better.

Mild mood swings, weight gain.