Norethindrone and ethinyl estradiol (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Norethindrone and ethinyl estradiol (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone)

within weeks I began sleeping better, my mental clarity improved and no longer had night sweats. I did stop this medication for about 6 months trying to get healthy and noticed the symptoms returned. This definitely helps me.

I recently started taking this medication and it has broke my face and neck out with itchy and small bumps and it has my face swollen a little bit and I get cramps every single day and I'm not on my period or spotting I'm going to discontinue this medication but I will first call my doctor's office to see can she put me on a different method of birth control pills

It's not a great medication to take it might work well for others because everybody is different but I wouldn't recommend it if you get one or more of the side effects

Major bloating, horrible cramps, horrible mood, irritable

I took this to prevent my period for the month. It definitely did that. But the bloating and stomach cramps are horrible. I have to take pain meds every day I have been taking the pills. And my mood. Omg!! The smallest thing makes me want to snap and people around keep saying I have an attitude ‚. It did what I needed but I don't think I would use this option again. It would have to be a really great special reason but the side effects take away from enjoying experiences 😭

fatigue, breast tenderness, loss of periods. i had my period for 2 days the first month i'm taking it but now on my 2nd month i did NOT get my period at all. and one thing i hate the most, HUGE BREAKOUT ON FACE. i never had this much acne in my life before! ever! i'm switching back to enskyce/reclipsen at lower dose. i'd rather have mood swings that have huge acne all over my face. big regrets!

read the reviews first before taking new bc pills.

Birth control/Regulate Heavy Period

Extreme abdominal pain, cramping, labor like symptons, hip pain, blurred vision, chest tightness, over all feeling of being very unwell when it would get close to the time for me to take it. Very random spotting

Felt like i was going through child labor again my abdominal pain was so bad. Felt as though i would fall out any moment each evening.

First month was fine until I started my period and it lasted 4 weeks nonstop but haven't had a period since so far.

Weight gain, periods not normal, bleeding for 20 days

Given as a substitute for Junel Fe

Irregular bleeding that has lasted more than two weeks, discontinuing use on Oct. 29th

The bleeding became non stop and has been going on over two weeks now so I am discontinuing use on Oct. 29th

To assist with regulating periods

First I had awful headaches, mood swings, and bloating and the occasional spotting. Month got worse..heavy bleeding for THREE weeks. I even read increasing dosage would slow or stop it. Doc did not want to increase so coming off of pill. :-(

Have been spotting for a few days now, enough to warrant wearing a pantiliner. Was given this generic since my usual Microgestin / Junel / Blisovi / Aurovela were all on back order. Have no idea why this generic gave me this side effect.

Before starting this pill I was doing super well and had a handle of my depression. After starting this I've been super tired, I bled for two weeks, I had suicidal thoughts and I'm just overall easy to anger. I just started spotting so I'm hoping I don't get my period for 2 weeks again. But so far I'm not pregnant. I'm going to try for a few more months.

I have been taking birth control for 3 years now, and this one was been the worst I have experienced. I was on Junel Fe for more that 2years, then the pandemic resulted in backorders so I had to switch to Microgestin a few months ago. When Microgestin was back ordered, I was given this generic BC by Mylan. It has heightened my anxiety, which is something I didn't struggle with before to this degree. I feel nauseous and shaky when I take this medication. I want to go back to Microgestin because that is the one I found worked better for me.

I do not recommend this BC by Mylan. Try Microgestin or Junel FE if you can.

After 6 days on the pill, I'm severely depressed, retaining water like crazy, nauseous and I have acne! Overall, I feel absolutely awful. I was wondering if I needed to commit to a time frame and side effects would diminish, but I think I'm just going to stop.

Mood swings, depression, exhaustion, weight gain?

I been taking this pill on and off for about a year. Due to the pandemic it was a little difficult to get my prescription refilled I was off it for about 2 weeks. When I got on it I was experiencing severe mood swings and wanted to cry almost everyday. My appetite has gone up but I've also started working out more, however while being on this pill I have been the heaviest I've ever been. It's my second week back on it and I'm still a little sensitive but mood is improving. I think I just have to be more consistent. I'm going to monitor my weight/ appetite and if I continue noticing an increase I may switch. As long as I've taken this I don't remember having severe side effects. This is the worst I've felt but am hopeful it was a hormonal imbalance due to the fluctuation in taking it. I would like to know if anyone has gained a lot of weight using this, please let me know.

Severe acne, mood swings, random spotting

Although the beginning SUCKED I stuck with it and have been on it for almost two years. I will randomly get spotting every few months but that's it. I went on accutane and now my skin is perfectly clear and overpowered the norethindrone.

I've had extreme acne which I never had before. I think its causing me to gain weight.My periods seem to be lighter. I'm on antidepressants and mixed with I felt weird lately. Depressed, not interested in anything. Wanting to sleep all day.

Pregnancy Prevention,Ovarian Cysts

Water retention and Weight Gain, No periods or blood clots, Breast tenderness, Nausea, Break Outs.

Trying to give it a chancePeriod comes every 2 weeksAcneIncreased oily skin

Mild acne. Bloating. Loss of periods

You have to give the body time to adjust to it

Hair loss, and breakouts in the first year. Lower dosage (from 10mg to 5mg) the first 2 weeks because of constant body aches.

No periods but still have cramps and pains constantly not necessarily pill related. Pain during time of ovulation even though on pill.

Side Effects fornorethindrone and ethinyl estradiol (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone) - User Comments


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1st day felt like I had morning sickness, constantly feeling I needed to throw up; insomnia, really bad metallic taste in my mouth 24 hours a day. Nothing tastes good. Vivid dreams; stomach churning, no diarreah, more like constipation. Yesterday and today-- 4th & 5th day very bad stomach pain.

Exhaustion, depression, fogginess. I thought I had a head cold. My dosage is extremely high due to resistance to Bactrim.

I think this drug is amazing. I feel more myself then ever before. No more mood swings and dealing with anxiety is so much better. I take 200 mg a day (100mg in the morning and 100mg at night). I'm worried about what everyone else is reporting, but its been a blessing for me.

I am increasingly concerned about my short term memory. i'm 44 and lately am half-convinced i'm getting alzheimer's. I have a significantly low thyroid and while I take Synthroid, i'm not convinced it does all it should, so not sure what to attribute memory issue to, but it's freaking me out so I googled drug and found this site. I've had LASIK and had near perfect vision, but it's increasingy blurry. I was chalking it up to my age and needing reading glases, but feel like it's more than that. Time to see my doctor. i hate to go back to Lisinopril, it made me cough all the time. Maybe it's time to lose a few #'s and lay off the salt.

Worked great. Mitigated depressive thoughts and social phobias a great deal. (As a side note, drinking while on paxil was such a fun experience ... i highly recommend it and miss it! lol. irresponsible i know...) Stopped it because it destroyed all sex drive & minor yet noticable weight gain.

This has long been a life saving drug for me. I have suffered with severe anxiety and panic attacks since I was 12 this has been the drug that has carried me through most of my life and helped me be a functional part of society. I only take it "as needed" and have never had to increse my .25 dose - unfortunately, due to its bad rap for addiction, I have often had doctors who refuse to perscribe it I tried to get along without having it as a back up which resulted in MANY emergency room visits for panic attacks. I changed doctors till I found one who acknowledged my need for it, saw that from my perscription history that 30 pills could take me up to 6-9 months to finish, thus he didn't fear addiction and he never treated me like junkie pill seeker, which has happened to myself as well as others I know who have found Xanax to be a life saver.

excessive sleeping, could sleep 12 hours. withdrawl symptoms are terrible!

If you're using it to get to sleep then lay in bed right when you take it.

I was actually on Tylenol #3 (same as #1, but with caffeine added). Nausea was the primary side effect, although I also experienced nausea from the migraine headaches I had. Took this med from the time I was about 5 or 6 years old until I was in my early twenties. I have never had a strong libido and I just found out that lack of libido is a side effect of this drug. I wonder if I am still experiencing lack of libido many years later because I took this drug for so long. No major side effects other than that.

Don't take it!!! 12 hours of hell.