Nitrofurantoin (nitrofurantoin, macrocrystalline) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Nitrofurantoin (nitrofurantoin, macrocrystalline)

Very high anxiety. Dizzy. Nausea. Shaking. Racing heart. Dr did not consider my other med. allergies,Nor did he tell me to eat before taking.

Back pain nausea tiredness anxiety

I'm no longer taking this medication.

This medication caused me to have a reaction. I had Erythema nodosum from it in my legs. Went to the ER, they couldn't figure anything out. Ended up causing permanent nerve damage to my legs which turned in to Complex regional pain syndrome. Living hell! This medication should not be prescribed to anyone!

Breathing difficulties, exhaustion, fast beating heart, nausea, lack of appetite, sore skin, chills

This had a horrible effect on me at day 4 so I stopped. Still sleeping all day and completely lethargic three days later. Hope it goes away. Doctor not at all interested. Even suggested I might have got a separate virus but I know this is not true.

Vivid nightmares, headaches, dizziness,nausea

Vivid dreams, anxiety, panic, couldn't sleep.Woke in the night in a full on panic episode (not like me at all).nausea, head ache. Just awful...will not be taking any more!

Only took 1 dose of the medication.

Extreme anxiety and panic attacks. Severe stomach pain, back ache and headaches. The same night I started taking it, I had a panic attack and felt absolutely horrible. I'm only on day 3 and i'm scared to finish it! I also have very bad diarrhea and i have no appetite.

Nausea, loss of appetite, night sweats, nightmares, stomach pain, fatigue, body aches, mental confusion

Was prescribed this drug in the ER for an acute bladder infection. I do not think it was a good choice for an older person like myself - I am miserable!!

I took it once and had a horrible anxiety Attack literally 20-30 minutes after I took. So I looked up the side affects and found this page and threw up or tried to throw up whatever I took.

I took my first dose, felt fine ate dinner and got sick and vomited. Was not sure if it was the medicine or dinner so ended up taking the second dose. Went to bed had the most horrific night terror, woke up burning up, shaking uncontrollably, heart pounding. The dream felt so real like nothing before. I have never been so terrified in my life.

I really think it is from this meditation and I am afraid to keep taking it.

Sicknesss, stomach acid, and very vivid dreams / nightmares, constantly needing a wee throughout the night and feeling lightheaded.

Horrific nightmares and hallucinations

I have one day left of this medicine and I do not want to finish it. After about the third dose I started experiencing extreme anxiety and became paranoid that something was wrong. Ended up having a panic attack and had a rapid heartbeat throughout the whole time taking it.

Excruciating pain all around back and abdomen. Felt like a steel band circling me. Shivers, sweats, headaches, couldn't sleep. Never know pain like this. It lasted 5 hours then cqlmed down. Will not use again.

Awful poison anxiety through the roof sick chills shaking hallucinations felt mental pain all over never take again

Nightmare/dreams very vivid full of dreadful situations and panic. Freezing cold but only at night. Constant nausea, no appetite. sweating. Slight headache. Shaky feeling at night. Tired.

I got a UTI that spread to bladder. Took over a week of another antibiotic that did nothing. Then doctor prescribed this. It seems to be working. I don't take many medications but I have never had so many side effects in one. Unreal dreams.

I was admitted to the hospital for 3days and 2nights due to severe dehydration and fatigue then found out that I had an extremely bad uti that also caused my kidneys to fail so I was given 5 liters of fluids and started on Iv doses of this antibiotic given once a day! The first night was horrible had severe anxiety and feeling of paranoia, my face and neck felt on fire and was completely red while the rest of my body was cold and shaky! The staff looked at me as being crazy and had no idea why I was feeling like that! Woke up every hour in complete sweats terrible dreams! I am home on 3 days of the oral medication and I feel terrible sense of paranoia and anxiety for no reason wake up constantly terrified from my night terrors and vivid dreams still have night sweats and I am loosing my mind!

First time ever getting this medication and I don't ever want it again please beware of the worst side effects that you are never warned about with this medication! Until I found this site nothing else stated these effects as a side effect of it!

Stomach ache every time I take it and need to use the bathroom. Sleep terribly at night while taking it. Keep waking up from nightmares. Constant nightmares!

Was given this medication for a UTI. On day 3 with severe leg pain, anxiety, panic attack, emotional, and terrible night sweats.

HeadachesNight sweatsFlu-like symptomsArm numbnessRandom body aches

It cleared my UTI but I felt awful the entire time I took this medication. Of course, it says it will cause urine discoloration. It was bright orange. I suffered with night sweats every single night. It started to freak me out. I would wake up wet from sweat. This did not start until I begin taking this medicine. I just felt lethargic while on this dose of meds. I would never take this again for a UTI.

NITROFURANTOIN (NITROFURANTOIN, MACROCRYSTALLINE): This medication is used to treat or prevent certain urinary tract infections. This medication is an antibiotic that works by stopping the growth of bacteria. It will not work for viral infections (e.g., common cold, flu). Unnecessary use or overuse of any antibiotic can lead to its decreased effectiveness. Nitrofurantoin should not be used in children less than one month of age due to the risk of a certain blood problem (hemolytic anemia). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Could not breathe through my nose. Could not sleep. Headache. Nose bleeds. Sinus congestion got worse. Inflammation of the nasal lining.

The most effective relief I have ever experienced! I was on oxycontin/oxycodone for break-thru pain for 3 years (130 mg total). I no longer need add'l break-thru relief. I am taking 60 mg twice daily and do not have the high (detached) side effect of opiates. My life is my own again. I can keep up with my 15 year old, co-workers, etc. Thanks to my Dr, I will make-up for the lost years and look forward to the future!

I took two rounds of the 6 dose formulated for endometriosis first as a teen & 2nd in my early twenties. I now suffer from IBS, had to have my gallbladder out, blurred vision, fatigue, Chronic Migraines that don't respond to medication, Raynauds Syndrome, Tremors, Muscle Spasms & Jerks, Epilepsy, Odd weight fluctuations, Anxiety, Sleep Problems, Sleep Apnea, epilepsy, and I thought I had MS until I looked up a link to all of my current disorders & LUPRON POPPED UP! DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG. Try continuous birth control skipping the sugar pill or anything before LUPRON. I took LUPRON to try to have children in the future, but what future do I have living this depressing life? My mom is staying with me & I am on disability. My short term has run out & I am not sure if I can even hold a job with all of this pain and fatigue. DON'T DO IT.

WELLBUTRIN BENEFICIAL:Initially experienced some insomnia,racy/anxious feelings,confusion but these slowly past and rapidly diminished at the beginning of week 5. BE PATIENT, these type of drugs can take time to reset the brain chemistry. The Wellbutrin has minimal effect on Serotonin and primarily acts on Dopamine and Norepinephirine; in my case, this has worked.

I LOVE Abilify. I took this medication for 3 years. This drug made me "the most normal I've ever been" to quote my mother. I do however dislike some of the side effects. I gain weight very quickly on Abilify and experience intense food cravings. I found that cutting out all processed foods and sugar helped me to stabilize my weight and stop the food cravings. Unfortunately, no matter how healthfully I ate, my cholesterol went through the roof. Even on a vegan diet my cholesterol was out of control. The Dr. took me off Abilify due to it causing an increased cholesterol level. I'm hoping my new med will work as well as Abilify with less side effects. If you take this medication, even if you have no noticeable side effects, please make sure your doctor checks your bloodwork at least 4 times per year.