Nifedipine (nifedipine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Nifedipine (nifedipine)

Blood Pressure normal and no side effects

My husband and my mother are both taking it and they have had good results too.

I will echo the awful reviews. Horrible headaches all day til drug wears off 10 hours later. Can't breathe. Feel like a zombie. This drug is bad.

Hypotension, Rapid Heart rate, swelling in legs and feet, headaches, anxiety, and muscle pain

For the first month of me taking this i was okay besides the irregular heart beat. But after that my anxiety got bad and the flutters in my chest made it worse my heart pulse was 168. YES 168! and i told my doctor this in my 6 week postpartum appointment and she tried to prescribe me with 3 60mg pills to take in a day instead of 2 because my bp was elevated due to my anxiety. Or i guess white coat syndrome lol. But i notified my dr that i dont feel right taking the pills anymore and wanted to stop them. My bp at first was 130-120 over 70-80 then after 1 month it was in 100-110 over 60-70. Now this happened to me days ago and this made me stop taking NIFEDIPINE all together was that after i took the pill i started eating lunch drank water and started to clean up my heart just started to randomly pump, when i laid down i put my head back i started feeling dizzy closed my eyes i still felt my head spinning like i just got off a rollercoaster sthen my body got fuzzy like my bp just dropped. luckily my baby was sleep and my mom was home and in her room. When she checked my bp it was 150/54. My bottom number was 54 and my heart rate was 170. Almost went to the er because of this after the 2nd bp check which was a few minutes later. Still scared out my mind and feeling like i was going to fall out and die and my bp was 140/59 so i stopped taking the pills. And 3 days off and i still experience side effects still but real minor, and the racing heart hasnt occured and my anxiety was

Very hard heart pounding, pulsations felt everywhere daily!Flush feeling, dizziness, brain fog. Stopped taking as of today, hoping all of this will subside!

Worse medication ever! Helped bp go down, but the side effects are awful!!!

- very bad headache all day - nothing relieves it- chest pain in centre- anxiety- heart palpitations- breathlessness- pain in neck and shoulders

The side effects are awful when looking after a newborn and 2 other children. I'm trying to cope with them as the medication dose lower my blood pressure. However I feel generally very unwell.

Chronic nausea .CONSTIPTION! Even with laxatives. Smooth move tea and tons of fiber and water. Random pain in joints and abdomen. Pins and needles. Heart palpitations worse than I had before. Neck, jaw and shoulder pain. Sweat like crazy and hot flashes with awful b.o. Zero appetite. Brain fog/ memory loss. Vision /vertigo problems. Some times the room would shift. Insomnia.. Anger and crazy mood swings. I felt bipolar.... I got mad at my kids for things I would normally not care about. It was awful. Every time they upped my dose I got more and more awful symptoms. Finally one day I stopped taking them and all these symptoms left. These pills should be illegal.

Do nifedipine make you loose weight

Weak upper arms & legs, urinating more than I ever have in my life, difficult gaining weight w/this and olmesartan/medoxomil before this. Also appetite got bad with it & still not as good. May have more side effects I missed entering.

Been on 30mg extended release tablets daily for 8 months. Doctor doesn't listen to me whenever I try to tell him side effects I have. Wish I could know what pill would be best for BP & it my age. Was given so many different kinds the past three years. Side effects for most or just didn't help BP. This brings BP down for it least a few hours, but I do Not like the pills. I never had extended release pills before. Would like suggestions about better pills for BP & least side effects.

I didn't have any side effects during pregnancy. It was immediately after birth that I started having tremors/internal shakiness, extreme headaches, anxiety, pains in my head, eye pain, high heart rate (normally 75-85 but going up to 105), and brain fog. It took me awhile to figure out what was the cause because I had just given birth. After reading other reviews on nifedipine and eliminating other meds. It was pretty clear. I was freaked out by this because it never gave me any trouble during pregnancy. I would not recommend this to anyone. Thank god my daughter is healthy!!!

Extremely tired, very weak arms and legs, low mood and just feel unwell. This is not medicine.

This is not medicine ; more like poison ; doctors should be ashamed.

Throbbing headache, severe muscle cramps in legs, itching all over, indigestion, gas, rapid heart rate dizziness and lethargic.

This is the only medicine that I can take because of breastfeeding. I will contact a doctor to get it changed.

Extremely intense throbbing headache, lightheadedness, weakness of legs, decreased fetal movement

Didn't work to lessen the frequency or intensity of my contractions so use was discontinued. Side effects seem too severe for the proposed benefits.

Postpartum High blood pressure

Chest pain/pressure, continuous lightheadedness, random spiking headaches on top of being lightheaded, extreme fatigue/tiredness-like no energy whatsoever. Also has had random spiking of pulse rate, highest was 125. And cost me a trip to the ER because at one point it felt like there was a boulder on my chest and palpitations were super bad and felt like I was about to pass out.

Dont get me wrong, my BP has gotten way better compared to during and after my pregnancy at 180/100 ,but still elevates from 111/80-128/96 since taking the meds but the side effects just arent worth taking the drug. And whats weird is that the side effects just started happening 3weeks after taking it. I stopped taking the drug without my 2 Doctors consent, becoz I feel like I’m not being heard. It’s now day 2 of me off the meds but there is still side effects from it and now constant elevation of my BP coz I am completely of Highblood pressure pills. Hopefully my BP goes back to normal on its own. Anyone else have had good effects after discontinuing this drug?

Urinating more than ever. At night until mid morning. Urgency increased. Sleep better than Bystolic. Slight leg swelling, hunger increased and minor other effects noticed. Been on many meds. Due to side effects. Not many more options left. Maybe do a DNA. To find what meds work best for me.

Extreme fatigue.Dizziness.Anxiety.Brain fog

Severe pain in arms and back. Also lower back. Unable to get up in the morning. Felt like I was dying from pain all over my back. At times pain would radiate to upper abdominal areas. Trying to walk made pain worse. I could barely go round block without taking several stops due to severe pain in back of upper thighs.

No-one should be given this drug. It is dangerous. To make matters worse none of the many Dr's I saw could connect the pain to the drug but kept giving me different pain medication which although strong could not stop the pain. Stop prescribing this horrible dangerous drug.

Fast heart beat, severe headaches, swollen hands and feet, weakness in limbs, this drug is a killer

Don't take it if you have another choice

Rapid heart rate started 31 days of taking this medication after getting out of bed, and the extreme tremors started right with the rapid heart rate 31 days every morning after getting out of bed.

I was put on this medication to treat my symptoms of Raynaud disease after suffering for over a year. It worked wonderfully. However after taking this medication for 31 days I started having new symptoms.First most concerning new symptom was fast rapid heart rate that lasted sometimes more than an hour in early morning after getting out of bed. It was like I was running a marathon. The second symptom was extreme tremors also in early morning after getting out of bed lasting sometimes more than an hour. Like being in a major earthquake.After taking this drug for 42 days I decided to stop to see if it played a factor in these new symptoms. The same day I stopped I also had a heart dr appointment. I informed him of the new symptoms. All he told me to do was change the time in which I take my atenolol from morning to before bed. I didn't tell him I stopped taking the nifedipine cause he wasn't the prescriber.Now a few days later and I've not experienced those new symptoms when taking the nifedipine. I came to webmd and found that the nifedipine can cause the one rapid heart rate but not the tremors. Why couldn't my heart dr put two and two together. These are the kind of things he should know as a heart specialist. I'm becoming a better dr than the ones I see!I WANT MY BACHELORS DEGREE!Yes this did stop the Raynaud disease symptoms and the benefits were greater t

Headache, shaky, lightheaded, dizziness, anxiety, aches and pains in shoulders and arms, feeling like I'm constantly high and off

Took it for almost 2 months and was pretty okay other than a bad headache the first couple of days. Then almost exactly at 2 month mark I started getting very dizzy and all the other symptoms. Talking to doc this week hopefully we can get it sorted out but I'm worried this is my only option since I'm breastfeeding...

Despite blood pressure being down I have muscle spasms, chest tightness, headaches and anxiety. I was trying my best to live with these symptoms, however I am now compelled to revisit this medication

NIFEDIPINE (NIFEDIPINE): This medication is used to prevent certain types of chest pain (angina). It may allow you to exercise more and decrease the frequency of angina attacks. Nifedipine belongs to a class of medications known as calcium channel blockers. It works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. This medication must be taken regularly to be effective. It should not be used to treat attacks of chest pain when they occur. Use other medications (such as sublingual nitroglycerin) to relieve attacks of chest pain as directed by your doctor. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for details. Older adults should discuss the risks and benefits of this medication with their doctor or pharmacist, as well as other possibly safer forms of nifedipine (such as the long-acting tablets). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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This is absolutely the most disgusting thing I've tried in my life. I am actually drinking it right now and I can't get myself to finish the last glass. It is not so much the taste itself but the texture is thick and does taste salty. I want to gag every time I taste it. I have to drink half the gallon today and the other half tomorrow morning and I am already extremely worried about the other half. I've been drinking it for two hours already and have only had one BM. Well it has to be done so I go again...

I've experienced restless legs a couple of nights but nothing I couldn't deal with. I've noticed I eat a lot more. Few headaches, dry mouth

Anxiety/depression, sadness, feeling of hopelessness about life in general! rapid heart rate, jitters, not at all myself.

After taking this pill for almost a year, I've realized how awful it affected me. It helped clear up my acne quickly, but oh man have I had the worst and craziest mood swings and anxiety!! I get super irritated easily, can't control my emotions, get depressed and very tired throughout the day. I also want to eat everything in sight. An awful thing as well is that I constantly bleed randomly throughout taking the pills when I should not be bleeding. I never stopped to consider that these symptoms were brought on from the birth control I was taking... But it definitely is. I would not recommend this pill to anyone!

This was absolutely the worst most horrible experince of my life. I kept telling my doctor that the med was making me sick and he kept insisting that we lower the dose and that I was feeling so bad due to something else. Finally toward the end I found a new doctor and took myself off the medication. It seemed to have built up because I still had "lingering" effects of the medication but it seems to be all gone now.

nothing major: dry mouth; slight metallic taste; occasional very brief waves of nausea

Trintellix stole my life from me. I was diagnosed with an incurable disease after taking this med for three months. It feels like I have the flu every day, and I can't leave my home. I'm 41, a wife, mother, and just filed for permanent disability because of how sick I am. IS ANYONE TRYING TO INITIATE A CLASS ACTION??

I'm a very active person. While the drug provides relief for the E.D. issues, it's simply not worth the side effects I experienced from it's use.

Flashing vision (eyes open and shut), brain fog, muscle weakness, extreme difficulty waking up the next morning (took at 7pm)

A side effect I had was my period lasted for 8 months straight, i took out the Nexplanon at the clinic that same year. I believe I did not have the right dose for my body. Other then that in my opinion the birth control works great for people who are trying not have children.