Nicoderm cq (nicotine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Nicoderm cq (nicotine)

I am at fault first for not investigating side effects of the NicoDerm patch and I became addicted when using the patch to help me quit smoking. I have had moderate hair loss at the front and crown of head. After trying to change different things in my life style thinking the patch was not the cause, nothing seem to remedy the hair loss for many months.! I am just putting it together now that the NicoDerm patch has caused a lot of thinning and dryness in my hair I am quitting the patch today. Today is July 2016, and I will repost in a few months to advise patients as to if I can regrow my hair with increased protein in my diet, and continue to take my biotin supplement to help support hair regrowth.

did not work obviously,wrinkled my skin,had gallbladder removed,still addicted to nicotine,mood swings ,panic attackshair loss.

Restlessness, heart palpitations, increased pulse rate, increased blood glucose dumping, increased bowel movement (but decreased bleeding), bad flu like symptoms without fever or sore throat such as body aches, chills, fatigue, drug dependence, appetite suppression, weight loss. The flu like symptoms (chills, body aches) didn't start right away - may be a month to month and half after starting nicoderm cq.

I am not a smoker. I have a presumed auto-immune disease called Ulcerative Colitis. I've read research that nicotine helped control the symptoms of UC. It did for me, but the trade off in side-effects was not worth it for me. I am now trying to get off this stuff and I am dependent on nicotine. I would use the 7 mg patch a few hours a day until I couldn't stand the side-effects anymore, then rip it off (man what a negative glucose ride that is all by itself). Then sometimes I would put a new patch on several hours later. Anyway, I hope my UC doesn't flare back up again that I have to get back on nicotine.Health History: Diagnosed UC in 2001. Otherwise healthy.Current Flare History: Started end of Jan 2007 till early April 2007. Treated with prednisone Feb 07-Apr 07, nicotine (feb 07 - jun 07), lialda (ongoing), MSIR (for pain and diarhea. ongoing taper down). If anyone has similar experience please post here.

Intense, very lifelike, insane, vivid dreams (only happened first two nights I wore the patch sleeping).

For me, it felt as if I had just got done smoking a cigarette all day, so there was no urge (other than oral fixation). Worked great! The only thing is, I had been a smoker for over 10 years (1-2 packs a day) and I quit easily without following all the steps they listed.

vivid dreams when worn sleeping. mild soreness at application site after removing, went away in an hour or so.

forgot to wear it on 5th day, haven't worn since, haven't smoked since.

NICODERM CQ (NICOTINE): This medication can help you quit smoking by replacing the nicotine in cigarettes. The nicotine in tobacco is an important part of cigarette addiction. When you stop smoking, your nicotine levels drop quickly. This drop can cause withdrawal symptoms such as craving tobacco, nervousness, irritability, headache, weight gain, and difficulty concentrating. Stopping smoking is hard and your chance of success is best when you are ready and have made a commitment to quit. Nicotine replacement products are part of a total stop-smoking program that includes behavior change, counseling, and support. Smoking causes lung disease, cancer, and heart disease. Stopping smoking is one of the most important things you can do to improve your health and live longer. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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far too many to list. it was horrible torture. it took 1 year to taper and i paced non stop with no sleep for 5 months. you people who praise this drug have no idea what awaits you when you will try to get off this drug. god help you all. then go to this web site for help on how to get off the poisonous crap.

It literally is SO uncomfortable to even sit or walk. All I wanna do is lay down with ice between my legs. I've taken Monistat 3 before With hardly any side effects. but monistat 1 was the worse decision I've ever made Please don't by I feel so bad I could sue.

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