Nexletol (bempedoic acid) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Nexletol (bempedoic acid)

NEXLETOL (BEMPEDOIC ACID): Treatment of high LDL cholesterol (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

It worked to get my lipids and cholesterol down some.

Definitely would have liked to try something different, and would NEVER use this again.

If you develop any unexplainable pains, consider that it may be the medication

Loss of smell. I took the drug in August and my smell has still not returned by January. Horrible taste in mouth when taking. I also was unable to sleep, depressed and had nightmares when I did sleep.

How long after stopping this medication can I expect to return to some normality.?Does anyone know.? Awful drug.

Idiopathic IntercranialHypertension

hoorible nightly leg and foot cramps at first did not associate with crestor, stopped taking and after four months the cramps are diminishing

Epileptic fits following surgery.

It helped a bit. But it seemed that time is what healed me more. I would still get random thoughts (voices)on this medicine. Risperdal worked better with less weight gain problem.However the risperdal causes sexual problems. Check out Phieffer's treatment of mental illness with vitamins and supplements (located in Naperville, IL area). Less stress too in your life will help if you can do that.

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