Nexavar (sorafenib tosylate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Nexavar (sorafenib tosylate)

Horrible side effects. My hair has thinned so much I wear a wig, extreme weight loss, nausea, fatigue, severe joint pain, itchy skin, low libido.

Nausea, loss of appetite, major weight loss

Had no impact on tumor progression

to treat alveolar soft part sarcoma

The biggest SE I experienced was chronic diarrhea and some stomach pain. I also get rashy off and on, mostly my face, and I shed more hair than I used to.

NEXAVAR (SORAFENIB TOSYLATE): Sorafenib is used to treat kidney, liver, and thyroid cancer. It is a chemotherapy drug that works by slowing or stopping the growth of cancer cells. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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10 hours after 1st dose I began running fever of 101.8, aching muscles, joints and bones...SEVERE aching! No appetite, pain continues...will not take ever again! One week later jaw pain began...everything but the fever continues! This is beyond horrible and my doctor knew nothing about these side effects but when I began asking friends if they ahd taken it 3 had gone to the ER within 1 to 3 days of taking it because of the severe pain. No one I know personally who has taken this drug took more than one dose! NO ONE!

MUCH better for me than Claritin. I can deal with the jitters and lack of concentration for short periods, much better than I can deal with hives. Clears up my facial rash. I LIKE the heightened alertness (all the caffeine kick with none of the cappuccino calories). I have mild vertigo and Allegra makes it slightly worse, but the alternative, Claritin, makes it a lot worse.

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fatigue, breast tenderness, loss of periods. i had my period for 2 days the first month i'm taking it but now on my 2nd month i did NOT get my period at all. and one thing i hate the most, HUGE BREAKOUT ON FACE. i never had this much acne in my life before! ever! i'm switching back to enskyce/reclipsen at lower dose. i'd rather have mood swings that have huge acne all over my face. big regrets!

Everything was fine until I had sex once using the nuvaring where I experienced extreme burning like my vaginal cannal was on fire! did not change with or without condoms and only happened during sex once I began using the nuva ring. Im going to have to stop and I am disappointed because it was good otherwise. I dealt with the extremem vaginal discharge and after 4 months it went away.. however the burning never did.. I didn't have sex too often while I was using it or I'm sure I would have stopped sooner.