Neulasta (pegfilgrastim) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Neulasta (pegfilgrastim)

Bone painAching legsExtreme tirednessMade chemo recovery harder

Refused taking any more Neulasta when taking chemo

NEULASTA (PEGFILGRASTIM): Pegfilgrastim is a man-made version of a certain natural substance made in your body. It is used to help your body make more white blood cells. White blood cells are important to help you fight off infections. Pegfilgrastim is given to people whose ability to make white blood cells is reduced (for instance, due to chemotherapy or exposure to large amounts of radiation). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I took cipro 1000 mg daily for 10 days for a severe kidney infection. Saved my life! But had temporary weird joint crackling. 4 months later took it again for a uti, 500 mg daily for 3 days. Cleared up the uti but this time I have mild nerve damage; tingling left hand. Its unknown if it will resolve itself.

I have Tardive Dyskinesia. I didn't know what was wrong when it started, and I was never informed or educated concerning Tardive Dyskinesia. I never heard of it before. I never connected the jerky movements to Risperdal because the disorder came on so gradually. TD is very annoying and uncomfortable to me.

Would not recommend because it started making me not be able to stay asleep and I would wake up at least 5 times a night for hours at a time.

Horrible panic attack feeling. Exhausted and dizzy. The side effects are worse than the original issue.

See my review of 2/12/2012 under 'Zyban' on this site. Exact same drug bupropion hydro but marketed under this name in Australia and UK.

I started on it in the winter and had night sweats frequently. Sometimes they were so bad that my shirt would be soaked when I woke up. As soon as the warm weather started, I have had excessive sweating all the time. I would be sweating profusely even when i didn't feel that hot. I have also had fatigue, weakness, and difficulty sleeping. My overall mood has also been very negetive. I have been depressed and more paranoid than usual. I work night shift and have been showing signs of sunlight deprivation. Some of these symptoms may be due to sunlight deprivation rather than Lamictal side effects. I am going to be changing shifts soon to see if that makes a difference. I was concerned about the severe sweating considering the list of side effects said nothing about it; but since I now see that others on Lamictal are having the same problem, I am not as worried about it.

chronic stomach issues, insomnia, anxiety, muscle pain, dehydration, still have sinus headaches.

This has been the worst drug I have ever taken, I was supposed to be on them for 7 days but only managed 2 and a half days. Took my last one last night and will never take them again.I have experienced severe side effects, mainly chrionic stomach cramps that have kept me up during the night. I haven't managed to eat a single thing and when I went back to the doctors regarding the side effects he told me there was nothing else he could give me and that I must continue (allergic to penicillin) I thought I could cope but there is no way, I honestly thought I was going to end up in hospital.I am still suffering now and I can not wait till they are out my system, never again!

I was nine weeks without a period, my doctor precribed provera. Day 5 of taking the pill I started spotting. Day 6 still spotting. Day seven full blown period. Very heavy ( having to change every two hours, sometimes soaking threw) Extreamly bad cramps. This med did what it was suppose to do but causing a lot of pain. No pain relievers help either.

Aggressiveness,depression,slightly uninhibited,next-day sleepiness, and metallic taste in mouth.