Neosporin (bacitracin zinc; neomycin sulfate; polymyxin b sulfate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Neosporin (bacitracin zinc; neomycin sulfate; polymyxin b sulfate)

I did not experience any side effects. It is greasy and gives a greasy appearance, but the results make any "cosmetic" issues like this well worth it.

This product worked amazingly well for me. I woke up with a swollen, red spot on my face that was painful. First I tried an antifungal cream but it didn't improve. After one week of this, I tried Neosporin and the effect was almost immediate. The redness and swelling began to go away within 24 hours. I didn't go to the doctor but think I had a Staph infection of the skin. Neosporin is wonderful. I was really impressed.

Extreme skin festering. I thought my minor cut was getting infected after using neosporin. The more neosporin, the worse it got.I went to dermatologist that said I was alergic to it.Ivory soap and water, it all went away, quick!

Looking back, after I found I was alergic to it, my whole life I had had problems with the horrible drug.

Side Effects forneosporin (bacitracin zinc; neomycin sulfate; polymyxin b sulfate) - User Comments


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Worked for U/C taking 200mg, after 2 weeks at this level nausea so bad requested a drop to 150mg. U/C still under control but Nausea still quite bad. Will keep taking at this level and see if nausea gets better. Taken before for about 5 years and had little or no side effects, unsure why they are so bad this time.

I was originally hesitant to use, based on some of what I read about side effects. Clearly, the first six to seven weeks were rough. But, I just kept going since I understood that the more the visual signs, the more the hidden damage that was being exposed. Truth be told, I shudder to think about all of those ticking time bombs that were not visible (there were perhaps three visible AK areas before I started treatment and the treatment exposed dozens more). For those that may be interested, the payoff at the end is clearly the end of those abnormal cells. But, for those that may be interested, if you continue on the treatment, you will have soft, baby like skin after the regimen. I can't say it's been a panacea to me, but my wife loves touching the soft skin now. Basically, there is a cosmetic upside that some would consider worth the pain by itself. Would do this again.

Dr prescribed this drug as an alternative to Cipro since he does not like cipro. I asked about side affects and was told that they are so negligible, they're not worth mentioning.After 1 pill, I'm done.

This drug has been a gift to my daughter. Summer of 2009 (pre-allergy-diagnosis) was a nightmare. Daughter coughed all summer long...many trips to doc. End of summer finally diagnosed with allergies. Put on Zyrtec and a nose spray and we finally had our 'normal' daughter back...including sleeping better as she wasn't coughing all of the time. Takes it only during allergy season...stops at first freeze and starts again about mid-March. Summer of 2010 has been GREAT for her!

I felt kind of lightheaded, like a high kind of feeling, and a little drowsy but not bad

After I stopped the medication, I thought the symptoms would stop, but they did not. They got worse. I had toxic liver something. This has been going for a week and the doctors say it might be another week. I never would have taken this medication if I had known this might happen.

Drowsiness shortly after taking my morning dose, but wore off within a few hours. I experienced very vivid dreams/nightmares every night and was placed on Trazodone to help with the horrible insomnia it gave me. I ended up losing weight on Luvox because it decreased my appetite significantly and when I did eat it was a miniscule amount, I felt full after a few bites of something. I also felt extremely jittery and happy manic at times but irritable as well. And of course the sexual side effects of many ssri's...It decreased my libido and made it harder to reach an orgasm, and at times I couldn't reach one at all.

After reading through some of the responses I wonder if my side effects are greater than I had originally thought. I take a 10mg in the morning, usually with my coffee. I can be quite irratable during the day, but not always. At night if I sit down after work it's all I can do to stay awake. I have had significant weight gain. I think I might also be suffering from seriously dry sinuses. When I blow my nose it can be kind of bloody.

I started taking this medication 5-6 months ago and I have never had any issues with it until a month ago I stopped taking it for 8 days and I started getting very bad panic attacks and anxiety attacks my heart rate would shoot up to 180 every time I have had a panic attack so I started taking it again to see if the medication was the reason I was having these panic attacks and 3-4 weeks later my panic attacks went from sever to mild. My doctor put me on 100mg to start with which I feel was high to start off with. I cannot drive, go into stores or gas stations with out thinking something bad is going to happen to me. I have never had a panic attack until I started taking these meds. Made an appointment so I can get off of them hopefully this works for me I just want my normal life back where I did not have any of these issues

Dupixent, then Adbry worked until they didn't on eczema, but psoriasis never cleared. Rinvoq thus far has eliminated both conditions.