Neomycin and polymyxin b sulfates and dexamethasone (dexamethasone; neomycin sulfate; polymyxin b sulfate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Neomycin and polymyxin b sulfates and dexamethasone (dexamethasone; neomycin sulfate; polymyxin b sulfate)

Incoherent speech is what the patient ahead of me commented.. I know it sounds weird but when I was half asleep in bed I would talk out loud as if to comfort me I now have any eye infection which is y I was perscribed this medication after 1st drop in left eye the left side of my head hurt .. I felt a sore throat comming on so I may just be sick and that's y I was rambling but I never did that b4. I was almost relieved when I read the post that said he had Incoherent speech. However I feel horrible about the patients experience.

Manufacturer alcon lab's. It comes in eye drop form with 2 words after the drug words above they are so tiny in the bottle u can't read them but after the word with a D it says oph... suspension and is generic maxitrol

slept 18 hrs a day, incoherant speech, dizziness, poor vision and within 1 week I was in the hospital with a pulmonary embolism

Side Effects forneomycin and polymyxin b sulfates and dexamethasone (dexamethasone; neomycin sulfate; polymyxin b sulfate) - User Comments


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I LOVED this pill. I never had any PMS and periods were light and very predictable. Unfortunatly, it is expensive and w/out insurance anymore Doc suggested I try another one. Tried OrthoTriLo and have a lot of symptoms. Trying Loestrin 24. We'll see how that goes. I may end up switching back to Estrostep.

This was my doctors idea, to relieve anxiety with intentions of lowering my tics (tourettes)... less stress, less tics.. so far it's working great. I'm at 75mg

Don't try this drug..can't believe is legal to sell this

I have taken this off and on for 3 years, as it helps dry up the fluid in my ears which causes my vertigo. I took one last night and ended up spending over 2 hours of agony - uncontrollable shivering, teeth chattering, felt cold, couldn't get enough air -was breathing as fast as I could - heart rate was incredibly fast, nausea, vomiting. I was ready to call 911 as I knew I could never drive a car.. I kept saying this will go away eventually, but it terrified me. After about 2 and a half hours I was finally able to slow the shivering and the breathing slowed.

13 years on prilosec...neck, shoulder, elbow, hand,hip,knee, and lower back pain seems to always be right side of body. panic attacks, anxiety, depression,constipation and diarea all at the same time,stomach cramps.

If I didn't vomit the second pill I would have died. I'm an attorney, I can't believe this is given out.

Insomnia, shaking, drowsy, flat mood

I've kept 2 mg. Valium tabs on my shelf for years (the lowest dose). I take maybe one or two tabs per month. When I need to sleep on an airplane, unkink muscles, calm down when very upset, it always does the trick in the gentlest, most reliable way. I took it for a couple of days prior to frightening eye surgery, and was very grateful that I had it to relieve near-panic. This is the best drug ever made...I even use it when feeling depressed and it boosts my mood right away. Wonderful stuff! I'm extremely sensitive to drugs, have a list of complaints and side effects on everything and anything else I've ever taken including aspirin, but Valium has never been a problem and has always helped.

weight gain, moodiness, depression

Weakness. Lightheadedness Chest pain. Upper back pain