Nembutal (pentobarbital) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Nembutal (pentobarbital)

I am very satisfied with the sleep I get recently all thanks to the nembutal I bought from I now sleep like a baby.

Please follow the dosage strictly

Euphoric bliss, and first class sedation. Also brutally addictive with an added feature, of disappearing in a spoonful of cold water, making it 'ideal' for being drawn up thru a #26 TB point for IV injection. It puts you in heaven for a few hours, and sometimes, forever.

Yes, it was the drug found in a dead Marylin Monroe- but remember that MM was murdered. Coroners evidence prove this. I had a second stay in the nut house for detox, where I met other users, some of which were taking up to a dozen a day, and still able to commit crimes. During the 1960's, dozens of barbiturates were easily available. Its a wonder I am still alive today.But for serious sedation? This stuff cant be beat. Stay away from it- it is total dynamite with a one inch fuse.

this is the pill that marilyn monroe over-dosed and died on. do not take more than recommended.

acts very quickly compared to benzo's, so tak e caution in persorming any other duties. Also very addicint physically. Can cause seaizures if abruptly stopped!

very effective at putting you to sleep

Side Effects fornembutal (pentobarbital) - User Comments


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Back pain and extreme leg pain to the point where I stopped taking it. I go in on Monday, 10/8 to my Dr.

Must admit it brings high pressure down quickly, but then shoots right back up within a short period of time, so I cut and split the dosages throughout the day, don't know what to do to prevent spikes/bp drops from 188/135 to 90/52. The longer I have taken it, it seems to take a higher dosage to bring my high bp down. Of the 3 meds I take (Diovan, Ziac and Clonidine) the Clonidine does the most good.

This drug is very good for anxiety and insomnia. However it is addictive and should be used with caution.

I am in the UK and was given this drugby my allergist. After taking it for 4 weeks, I began to feel very depressed and asked my allergist if I could stop it. She was quite bullying and insisted I stay on it, which I did. The last 5 months have been sheer hell! I needed emergency care from my GP after becoming suicidal (so bad that I was almost institutionalised for my safety), and was also now having varicella spots breaking out on my arms and side. My GP told me to stop the drug IMMEDIATELY! No amount of rhinitis symptom relief is worth the sheer hell I. have been through on this drug!

DVT left knee/massive bilateral PE

I have taken Singulair my entire life. I wish I could have my childhood back without fear, without anxiety, without depression, I dont exactly know how this drug has helped me with my asthma, nor do I know if me as a person will be different if I ever get taken off of it. I fear I am who I am today beacuse of Singulair.a All I do is stress and fear everything, I even fear talking to people. I fear telling my doctor, if I get taken off the drug, will my asthma be controllable? Will I be a different person. Maybe I'll never know. I wonder who I would be today if I didn't have asthma, if I didnt have to take singulair. All I ever want is to be accepted by people but I fear there is no one on this earth as unfortunate as me. Every day I contemplate suicide, I fear it so much I con't do it.

headaches, wisdom tooth extraction

chapped lips, dry skin, hair fall out, muscle soreness, backpain, stomach pain, headaches, nausea,

Has knocked BP down from 165/100 to 115/70

To make things worse, my doctor said no one else had these symptoms and he had many many patients on this drug! Thanks doc!Wish it were not so, but two thumbs down.