Nabumetone (nabumetone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Nabumetone (nabumetone)

Seemed to help the arthritis pain in my hand, but really made my legs cramp and muscles hurt in my legs and thighs and hips. I'm 69 and have high cholesterol which seems to be a prerequisite for this type of pain in the legs.

this medicine made my stomach burn like fire. i took about 6 days straight and then stopped taking it becuase the stomach pain hurt so much. Also it gave me a very very heavy period with large clots and large amount of blood loss. Side effects definatley not worth it, id rather keep the ankle pain!!!!

chest pain, severe dizziness and difficulty breathing.

Intense gas, bloating, diarrea, stomach ache, nausia, vomitting, chest hurt,constipation, no sleep from all the stomach aching, felt like it was my last day on earth

doctor said it was eating the lining of my stomach gave me protonix which don't seem to be helping either. stopped taking the nabumetone after only 3 days..........yuky

NABUMETONE (NABUMETONE): Nabumetone is used to reduce pain, swelling, and joint stiffness from arthritis. This medication is known as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). If you are treating a chronic condition such as arthritis, ask your doctor about non-drug treatments and/or using other medications to treat your pain. See also Warning section. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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the short half life makes you feel very UP one minute and then DOWN soon after.. It's very popular and addicting but this is My least favorite Benzo, I greatly prefer either Klonopin and or Ativan. I find Xanax is clearly not good for long term use.

I was on Pristiq for 5 days, and missed a dose. Talk about withdrawel symptoms. If I move my head I get dizzy and my head feels like there are pins and needles jabbing at it.Sorry, I cannot deal with this. At least with Paxil there was relief. This stuff, no relief and many side effects. Wyeth take this crap and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. =) A little honesty wouldn't kill ya'!

Slightly warm sensation. That's all!!! Nothing like you all are describing

I have been on effexor for 16 months and it helped with some of my anxiety and depression but it never gave me this great happy feeling. The depression was still there but I did not want to increase my dosage. My life has turned around and I am lowering my dosage now and in a month I will be off of Effexor. I hope it goes well. Can't hurt for trying. Good luck to everyone and I hope this was of help.

Nausea, constipation, heart pain, chest pain, tight, hard to catch breath, dizziness, panic attacks, constipation, abdominal pain, numbness tingling circulation problems, anxiety, paranoid, anger, tired, fatigue, bloating, vision problems, blurry blacking out, pain. Puffy eyes. Irrational thoughts and fear. Irritable. Sick. Brain fog. Memory. Forgetful. Bad dreams. Cramps, lung pain, leg pain, arm pain, jaw clenching. Headaches. Withdrawal is just as bad, but diarrhea and has added.Too many side effects.!!!!Social anxiety.

No side effects at all except being less anxious about my high cholesterol and triglicerides

dry mouth and burning and tingling feeling from head to feet. caused me to have a panic attack, and go to hospital, made me feel more anxious.


I started taking Nasonex on Saturday. Yesterday (Sunday) I felt tight in the chest and my heart was pounding. Although I was suspecting Nasonex to be the cause, I used it today again and then I found this website! I see other people have had the same effects. I'm not going to use it again. I wonder how long it will take for these effects to go away.

Im not sure if this is for me yet.