Myrbetriq (mirabegron) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Myrbetriq (mirabegron)

Dry mouth, slight dizziness. But the main issue was chronic fatigue. I didn't realize what was causing it, but once I stopped taking it the problem went away. I had better luck solving my frequency issues by cutting out alcohol and caffeine.

Loss of hair. Constipation is ridiculous & if I take softener as directed I have accidents from them. Too expensive. Work's to reduce urination.

over active bladder with symptoms

No relief, took the medication for 28 days, the symptoms did not go away.

No side effect that other things did already

I had tremendous weight loss. I look horrible. It never worked. I had racing heart and a swollen lip in which they did list as a side effect. I should of never taken this poison.

Severe headaches, increased heart rate, stomach pain, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, joint pain, anxiety, runny nose, ear and jaw pain

This drug is evil! I only lasted 3 days and I was done. Never again. Feeling better after stopping 2 days ago, but still having some of the side effects. I cannot get this stuff out of my system fast enough.

Terrible headaches off balance when walking raised blood pressure. Only took it for six days. Still having headaches off balance it's been over a month now. This is when this all started when I took this medicine. Been to doc had a bunch of test taken everything normal

I'm now getting up to pee at night and I wasn't before taking this med. Hair falling out fast. I'm done with this med.

Just hair loss. I have VERY thick hair and still have enough but it was dramatic. It did largely solve the overactive bladder. I still get up once a night but that's manageable.

I started taking the drug every other day instead of once a day a couple of months ago. It seems to lessen the hair loss and I still get most of the benefit of the drug. Discussed with my dr. who doubts it's from Myrbetriq--I should get other causes ruled out. I'll finish out my current rx and see how things stand. I still have about 3 mo of it left at the current rate.

Urge incontinence and frequency

Hair loss. Losing a ton of hair every time I wash it, every time I brush it, and it's just falling out all over the place.

I cannot believe hair loss isn't listed as a side effect. Just read these reviews and Google does Myrbetriq cause hair loss and it is so obvious it does. It's too bad because it hasn't caused any other side effects for me. I'd try increasing the dose to see if but the medication hasn't really worked much at all in 6 weeks and I'd probably go bald if I increased my dose to 50mg.

Frequency of urination, accidents

I notice some difference. Less accidents. A little more control.

Hair loss. I have never had so much hair shedding before and I bleach/dye my hair often. It's a little concerning and I hate it but this medication has helped so much.

I haven't noticed any other side effects. My insurance paid for most of it thank goodness as it's usually $400 and that is just absolutely ridiculous.

Frequent urination with urgency

Extensive hair loss, over half my hair and still shedding after 6 weeks off medication. Started losing it at 6 weeks but at that time I didn't know why.

Minimized trips to bathroom during the night but still frequent urinating during the day.

Over active bladder. Was up every 2

Hair loss. To an already thin hair due to thyroid issues. I have hypothyroidism. I also have dry mouth. I noticed my hair thinning after 3 months, but my frequency was so improved that I was happy. Went from 5 or 6 trips in the night. Interrupted my sleep. So it helped my sleep.

I was very lucky to get my meds for free. Thanks to the program with my doctors office. Wish I wasn't losing my hair.

Hair loss started at 4 weeks.. UTI after taking for 7 weeks which is listed as a possible side effect on the information supplied with the medication.

Too expensive $400-500 per month and my relatively "good" insurance does not cover it even though I tried an appeal.

Prescribed to augment a urolift procedure, to help reduce urination at night. Seems to be effective. Urination reduced from about 6 times a night to 3 or 4 times.The improvement could be due to Urolift procedure, but I think the Myrbetriq helped

Extensive hair loss and dry mouth.

MYRBETRIQ (MIRABEGRON): This medication is used to treat overactive bladder. Overactive bladder is a problem with how your bladder stores urine that causes a sudden urge to urinate. The urge may be hard to control, and overactive bladder symptoms may include frequent urination, strong sudden urges to urinate, or involuntary loss of urine (incontinence). Mirabegron works by relaxing a certain bladder muscle (detrusor), which helps the bladder hold more urine and lessens symptoms of overactive bladder. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

Never again I'm sure its poison ivy !

excessive weight gain 40 lbs, severe pain in joints,nausea, feel like I'm 100 yrs old, sinus/ear pain,lightheadness, hunger

I have been on for three days and never have felt worse. I have all side effects that are listed.


It wasn't that bad except for the TERRIBLE periods. They were heavier than anything before birth control and beyond painful and lasted for TWO TO THREE WEEKS.

Absolutely stay away from this medication. I have never in my life been so sick. I took 4 days of medication at 2x day 100mg each dose with food (7 day prescription). I cannot even begin to explain the pain I was in every single morning. My kids missed the bus 2x because I simply could not leave the restroom. I have lost 6lbs in 4 days and I'm already very tiny to begin with. I've had UTI's before and I've never been prescribed macrobid in the past. I never expected to feel worse after taking a medication than I did before. I felt fine before the medication and the only way I knew I had a UTI was the blood in my urine. After starting the meds I've felt 20x worse and I wish I had never took it. I will be researching drugs now before I take them.

I hope there will be weight loss, because I gained 28 pounds when taking Anafranil for 4 months

Prescribed prior to cardiac ablation

tri-nessa: Moodiness, decrease in sex drive, breakthrough bleeding ;;;; Ortho tri-cyclen: No major side effects.

My doctor would not believe me when I said this medication made me ravenously hungry shortly after taking a 15 mg. tablet. It's as though my stomach replaces my brain, making all of the decisions for me. If you're concerned about extra pounds, watch out!