Myorisan (isotretinoin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Myorisan (isotretinoin)

This medication has the capacity to destroy your entire life in ways that may be impossible for people to imagine. It is cytotoxic and kills cells throughout your body; not just your sebaceous glands! Don't listen to dermatologists if they tell you that the drug selectively targets your oil glands and not the rest of the body, THAT'S A LIE!!! I am off isotretinoin for 4 years and my entire body is destroyed permanently head to toe: severe tendon pain, cracking and snapping in my joints, weakness, muscle damage, inability to walk for more than 30 minutes, digestive problems, painfully dry eyes that require an entire bottle of eye drops every few days, severe hair loss, painful menstruation, hormone problems, feeling like my brain and memory has been irreversibly damaged, and this is from 7 WEEKS OF A LOW DOSE. Oh, and you know the great thing about this horrible poison - the terrible permanent effects started only a few months AFTER stopping the drug. I quit it early because my liver e

Like someone else said on this page, PROBLEMS CAN START AFTER YOU QUIT THIS F**KING GARBAGE POISON! I had almost no side effects while on the drug. I stopped early because of some of the effects, but it wasn't too bad. It wasn't until AFTER I QUIT that all my health issues arise and I know MULTIPLE PEOPLE in my personal life who the exact same thing happened to. If you're considering this vile poison be prepared for your health and body to fall apart in the future. Chemotherapies do that, after all...think about it. CELL DEATH is how it works. DISGUSTING DRUG

Dry, peeling lips and skin, eczema behind ears, conjunctivitis, some skin redness, dry eyes, lack of appetite.

Problems can START once you STOP taking this drug! After finishing the drug, I now have terrible skin reactions to eating and washing the face: burning, stinging, redness, pain, inflammation, itching, hives. It is terrible. And my eyes are still super dry and hair loss.

Dry skin, cotton mouth, burning forearms, severe joint pain, fatigue, lack of appetite. MOODY!!!! Depression in beginning.

MYORISAN (ISOTRETINOIN): This medication is used to treat severe cystic acne (also known as nodular acne) that has not responded to other treatment (e.g., benzoyl peroxide or clindamycin applied to the skin or tetracycline or minocycline taken by mouth). It belongs to a class of drugs known as retinoids. It works by decreasing facial oil (sebum) production. High amounts of sebum can lead to severe acne. If left untreated, severe acne may cause permanent scarring. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Some nervous energy, motivated, confident, more energy, weight gain.

Acne. Flat affect. Itchy skins upon raising dose, but that went away.

Was on 40mg for 3 days, then 20mg for 1 wk, 15 mg 3 days, 10mg 1 week, 5mg 1 week, then stopped. My ALT went from 1,000 to normal within 4 weeks and seemed to have nothing to do w/ pred, just healthy diet & rest. Not everyone's body will repair itself, but I definitely didn't need to be on the high dose for a long time.

No weight gain due to keeping up with regular exercise/healthy lifestyle. Would not be able to drive without this medication, have normal life with tegretol. I can tell someone before I am having a fit, de-javu feeling, but dont know if it will be minor with my words mixed up or major and full seizure on the floor. No one else in my family has epilepsy. Wrote off my car when 3 weeks pregnant with my 2nd son, so always take medication on time and now get deprolovera injections 3 monthly to prevent getting pregnant again. (The contraceptive pill doesn't work).

My boobs went from a 32 DD to a 34G I had to buy new shirts and bras my boobs are huge and tender I also get little red itchy bumps all over my legs quite often I have no sex drive anymore and I am apathetic toward food however I didn't gain any weight except for my boobs and I haven't gotten pregnant and have no discomfort other than the few side effects I listed

Made me a nervous wreck, dry mouth - Made things worse

It started off really well for 6 months but in combination with other drugs (i.e. birth control), it stopped working as it was meant to and never really went back to its effectiveness even after stopping other interfering drugs. This happened twice! I stopped it after a year as it began to not really work at all without any lifestyle changes.

I've been having acid reflux problems since my 20s. Been to the ER twice for chest pain. Took this for a month on advice from my doctor. Started getting heart palpitations immediately. They would come and go throughout the week. One or two days of the week my heart beat would be very irregular and the palpitations were frequent. Then they'd ebb away for a few days until I'd only experience a couple a day. Then they'd come back slowly until they were severe again. Mild exertion (even standing up) seemed to make them worse. Read this forum and stopped taking medicine. The palpitations disappeared the next day. Took one more dosage, and they came back. This medicine is most definitely the cause of the palpitations. Why isn't this on the list of side effects?!?!? The FDA has really let us down here.

Post Medical Termination (precautio

weightgain,hotflushes,anxiety,fast heart beat