Mydriacyl (tropicamide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Mydriacyl (tropicamide)

Headache, loud tinnitus, eyebrow and cheek pain, nausea, weird taste in mouth, drowsiness, tiredness, dry eye, constipation,,corneal erosion?

Still not fully recovered and has been 4 days. Not sure why antagonizing the muscatericc acetylcholine receptor would have such a big effect but i do have an autonomic dysfunction and pre existing nerve damage in the area. Never again! Im so tired still and high pitched ringing

MYDRIACYL (TROPICAMIDE): This medication is used to widen (dilate) the pupil of the eye in preparation for certain eye examinations. It belongs to a class of drugs known as anticholinergics. Tropicamide works by relaxing certain eye muscles. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I will never take this again. I have never experienced any worse feelings in my life then being on this. I thought I was going crazy or had a horrible disease until I realized it was the Claritin D the entire time. I would recommend everyone stay away from this product and find something else. I will never put this in my body again and the company should be held accountable for how horrible these side effects are. I feel like a completely normal person since I have stopped taking this. I sleep, my heart rate is normal and I have no anxiety or tremors or shakes anymore.

neausea and sleepiness and tiredness

Haven't weighed myself-too scared but clothes are fitting better. I need to lose about 80lbs. Very sad when I used to be a size 5 in 1995! Already had high BP and Cholest. Dry mouth was pretty bad and after reading other posts I will now assume I have bad breath. Wonderful,now I'm fat and smelly. Had some pretty intense sweating like a linebacker. Usually try to walk two miles everyday but last two weeks my energy has been very low and I am again struggling. BUT-This medicine is amazing because food does not rule my life. Feel normal again. I get hungry. I eat. Then move on with my life. I don't know how this medicine works. Actually, no food turns me on-not even my favorite. I get hungry but can't figure out what I am hungry for. Grocery shopping for myself and my daughter is a challenge because nothing appeals to me. It seems to work best when I take just after waking in the morning with a full glass of water. Now wondering if I should take midmorning since I crash by 3pm and very tired by 6pm.

Not that good for allergy but can breathe through my nose. Still feels congested, ears still congested. Eyes and ears itch still. Still had to use inhaler during a cold. No sinus infections, though. A blessing but not enough to be on another planet. I am quitting singulair. Going to get allergy shots and use the steroid spray.

This has worked well for me, I was prepared to try anything and give it at least 3 months now I'm educated enough to know thyroxine was not a quick fix. It takes time. This however took a week, hot flashes stopped, sleep and mood improved. I am starting to feel more myself. More confident, less brain fog. I am terrified to go back to how I was feeling and I am so appreciative that we have this medication.

While I know everyone reacts differently to medication. I can't see how this medicine would benefit anyone

This medicine is so strong. I felt really weird like extremeley tired. Had a lot of soft stools all day. Stomache cramps, dizziness, chest pain, and couldnt focus properly and headaches and extreme anxiety Never ever again will i take this medicine.

Told to stop immediately Now still experiencing symptoms Less often but debilitating Doctors can't resolve Life in pieces So fatigue Events once a week still on eating and in early hours of morning

At first, a little fidgity if I took too much. Increase in heart palpitations.

At first all carbonated drinks tasted flat and I felt heavy and weighed down. These initial side effects went away after a month, but my headaches did not. It turned out my headaches weren't migraines afterall so the topammax had no impact on them. I did lose twenty pounds pretty quickly however, which was great, but then I becamme increasingly paranoid until I felt full out crazy and had to stop taking it - in spite of loving the weight loss aspect. A neurologist told me that Topamax can cause severe paranoia in some people. And boy did it ever. Almost ruined my life. I've tried taking small amounts again at times since I gained the weight back, but I become tired, paranoid and worried about stupid things almost immediately, so it just isn't worth it. Which is really saying something, since I'd almost be willing to give up a finger to lose twenty pounds. I guess I'm not willing to give up my mind. For the record - not everyone reacts like I did. My psychiatrist had never heard of anyo