Myco-triacet ii (nystatin; triamcinolone acetonide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Myco-triacet ii (nystatin; triamcinolone acetonide)

It burned me so bad i could hardly stand it.I have had mysolog by its self and it was wonderful, do they still make it?

Side Effects formyco-triacet ii (nystatin; triamcinolone acetonide) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

Horrible hot flushes, weight gain

Horrible sweating day and night, trouble breathing, abdominal pain, leg cramps, fatigue.

drowsiness, dry mouth, little appetite

People say Zoloft isn't addictive, but it absolutely is ADDICTIVE. You can build up tolerance as if it was speed, benzos, or heroin. Once you start this, it's going to be difficult to get off of it.F**k this pill, I s**t on Frieza. What do you want? A permanent er**t**n, massive doses of c***ine, peanut-sized t****cl*s, thick brown urine, handfuls of d***n*rs, horse steroids, Frankenstein Monster Syndrome, b**** t***, massive trauma, total shutdown, sudden death? ***h*les won't come first because this drug ruined my life.It works like sugar and can give you a massive heart attack when withdrawn from a higher dose. I forget to take that pill, I will get chest pains and tachycardia. It's like adult candy, a pill that is poison rather than sweets.

I have had hair loss, acid reflux, heart palpitations, anxiety and blurry vision in my left eye. I didn't associate any of these symptoms with Diovan until doing some research and reviewing this site. I will speak to my doctor about getting off Diovan and hopefully finding something that is a better fit for me with fewer side effects.

Very bad headaches nearly all the time, aching all over (similar to the flu)dizziness, forget-fullness

Save yourself some money on a co-pay and go get Prilosec from Costco or Sam's Club... you won't be sorry.

It has wotked fine. sleeping better. Don't forget everything. good so far.

First given cipro. After 2 tablets, felt pain in my legs so asked to change to a different antibiotic. Given Macrobid. After 2 tablets had to go to the ER. Dizziness, anxiety, horrible headache, nausea, heartburn, burning pain in kidneys coming in waves, urinating every 20 minutes,shaking, chills-all severe. They tested me for a kidney stone--none there. It was the antibiotics. Both are very dangerous. If you feel bad after one tablet of either one, I would stop immediately. These drugs are prescribed way too indiscriminately. And ER's should know about them too!!!

Couldn't sleep, very dizzy, felt like i was gonna puke if i moved and made my body ache.