Mupirocin (mupirocin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Mupirocin (mupirocin)

My doctor thought I had MRSA, but he refused to take a culture. I was coughing up blood clots a few days, and I had a fever, sore throat and chest & coughing up blood clots.

Do not take this drug. I got a severe headaches that lasted for days, and my nose burned as if someone had poured battery acid in it.

AFter 5 days, I experienced pain, burning, intense itching in a large area, not just the area where it had been applied. It is much worse than the rash for which I was being treated. I would never consider using it again. It was so bad that I slept very poorly.

MUPIROCIN (MUPIROCIN): Mupirocin is used to treat infected cuts or wounds. It is an antibiotic. It works by stopping the growth of certain bacteria. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I'm no longer taking this medication.

I felt great the first 7 years.I had my life back.however starting to have a few more attacks when out.dr wants to up med.but I am afarid I won't be able to stay awake at work.

Has anyone else had this experience?

I know the aricept did this because she developed a bladder infection that required her to be taken off the drug, and then she started talking again. I wish I had known at the time how much this would interfere with her life....

Never experienced head pain like it

It works. It also kills off a great deal of your good intestinal flora. I have white coated tongue now for 6 weeks. I never had it before. I have 2 ulcers in my small intestines also which started 2 days after stopping vanco.

I have PMDD, and I had pretty bad post-partum depression after each birth, so I know I'm hormonally sensitive. I don't really need BC because hubby had a vasectomy after kid #2. This is my second time trying to use yasmin for acne control, and probably my 5th or 6th pill over the past 14 years. It worked well for acne at first, but the clear skin vanished after 3 months. The nausea and breast tenderness eventually subsided, but then started getting dizzy spells this week (on my 5th pack?). During a particularly stressful time with my husband, I had suicidal thoughts, and thoughts of hurting him. I don't know if this is more related to the situation or can be contributed to the pill in some part. The postive effect was temporary clear skin, and short periods. But it's not worth it. The blood clot problem and the psychological side effects are too risky.

It works. Tried several statins first, but the side efffects of statins are intolerable.

I woke up irate. I had asked to be awake and alert and instead was given Versed, which caused me to allow the medical staff to use the rest of their evil drugs to knock me out. I am still angry months later. I have experienced a profound change of personality.

Be careful. I was rx 1-2 .5 mg tabs/day, but I knew enough to realize that a long half-life drug like Klonopin should not be taken at the same frequency as a short half-life benzodiazapine like Xanax. So why are doctors prescribing them the same way? If patients truly take 2 tabs/day, there would be an incredible builup in your system in as little as a week. I took 1 tab every 3 or so days at bedtime. For the next couple of days I would feel like a weak, emotionless zombie. After a couple of weeks, I realized that as soon as the Klonopin started to wear off (usually 2 days later), my anxiety would rebound ten fold. So, I tapered and eventually stopped. Now, two weeks after my last tab, I feel horrible withdrawal symptoms. My anxiety is in check, but I still feel physically weak and shaky all the time. I have never felt this way before, and I am taking no other meds. This stuff made me feel gross, and I took it incredibly sparingly. My doctors refuse to acknowledge that I developed some form of physiological addiction to this drug. A long half-life means this stuff stays and accumulates in your system. Therefore, it's only logical that your body is going to have a tough time getting rid of this junk when you stop.