Multihance (gadobenate dimeglumine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Multihance (gadobenate dimeglumine)

Burning. Memory issues. Skin issues. Unable to eat. Vision. Dental. New autoimmune diagnoses

Side Effects formultihance (gadobenate dimeglumine) - User Comments


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Blurred/double vision, eye problems, muscle weakness, numbness in hands/feet, weight gain, diabetes??

Drs. here in MA are keen on prescribing SSRIS. IBS over last five years has always disturbed sleep, sometimes to intolerable degree. Last few months tougher than usual; also have plantar fasciitis, job hanging by a thread, dermatitis, etc. Past Rxs for Paxil, Remeron, Tradnazone: all nitemares. Rx for valium back in '70s--that helped me. I did have a dependency, but nothing serious. Averaging 3, 4 hrs of sleep--shitty sleep--for MONTHS. Dr. broke down & gave me one time rx for lorezapam. No dramatic change, but it is helping cut down pain & cramps, & of course, anxiety.

I'm on 200MG of Generic Bupropion SR, I also take it with 40MG Citalopram.Benefits: Mood is stable, reduced my highs and lows. Less interest in alcohol (as crutch). Less anxiety in general.Drawbacks: Has not helped with my focus (add symptoms). Initially caused insomnia and hyperactivity. Apathetic. Continue to be dried out, which I think has been keeping me sick. Within the last month, no sex drive and impotency. Considering discontinuing, I'm getting back into work out routine to see if I can combat being sick and the impotency.

So, far after 7 weeks, I'm now up to 60mg for major depression. This is so much better than the Prozac/Wellbutrin cocktail I was on. Libido is coming back and am able to orgasm. I actually smile now and my sense of humor has come back. I am also able to read for awhile, something that I could not do before due to a lack of concentration.

have appt for dr to evaluate first available

Try Lithium first. Depakote is a notorious fat making drug. I wish I'd taken this advice before I ballooned and became pre-diabetic. It didn't help my symptoms much either.

No side effects from this drug IF taken as directed. Get in the bed and THEN take the pill.

Stomach cramps, headache, weakness, severe leg cramps, dizziness, yeast infection.

Fatigue (more like complete exhaustion), shortness of breath, heart palpitations, persistant cough, hair loss (hair down to my waist. I had to cut it up to my shoulders. It was coming out in handfuls)

Occasional dryness of mouth & constipation at first. Slept like a baby. No real mood change, but decision making became a lot easier. Rapid heart beat at times. Felt calmer, but also had less energy. Some blurriness of vision which I didn't attribute to the medicine until I went off 2 wks. ago. Mild headaches. Lightheadedness.