Mucinex dm (dextromethorphan hydrobromide; guaifenesin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Mucinex dm (dextromethorphan hydrobromide; guaifenesin)

Bladder infections constantly. Dry mouth, low urination output. Bladder pain. Recently very painful.

After taking just one pill, I had experienced dizziness, headache, balance issues, foggy thinking, forgetting things, dropping things out of my hand, stuttering flashbacks, increased heart rate, sweating, decreased vision

I'm still having problems and won't recommend this to anyone that has on going medical conditions.

Omg. One hour after taking this i felt dizzy, shaky like a severe panic attack. Dry mouth. I looked on box to see if maybe i took too much. This med should be banned.

think it gave me high blood pressure

Taking the "Maxium Strength" Mucinex DM and didn't feel much relief at all, felt congested and had runny nose all the time and didn't cough up much phlegm. Not sure what works better but felt I wasted $25 for buying both the day & night maximum strength versions.

Holy moly. Four hours after taking it I broke out in a profuse seat my heart was racing and I finally vomited & felt a bit better. 2 hours later same thing all over again not quite as bad. Several waves of nausea since then but I feel just semi OK 8 hours after the dose. Dehydrated and light headed but no longer nauseous. Still jittery and feel like my HR is elevated. Scary.

I cannot recommend this medicine. My reaction was so swift & severe I really considered calling 911. Seriously. And as others have commented elsewhere there is nothing about this on the box.

dizziness, foggy thinking, tiredness

I accidentally got the 1200 mg by mistake (maximum strength) and couldn't drive or leave the house, I was so dizzy and out of it. I don't recommend that dose at all.

i combined this with regular mucinex, i took this in children's form - 1 mini-melts packet and it works so well.

Side Effects formucinex dm (dextromethorphan hydrobromide; guaifenesin) - User Comments


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this medicine only help the pain for about 2 hours and then makes your really tired after the hyperness goes away. only take as prescribed it's very addictive and will leave you with horrible headaches if your on it for a couples of days or week and then suddenly stop

VERY Regular Periods, Some odd discharge, Very BAD Depression for 2 packs, 2 Vag. Infections. I had NEVER had an infection until I went on BC. Periods a little heavier. I loved it for the regularity but my saddness and lack of wanting to have sex was NOT worth it!!!

Facial acne. Middle of the night erections.

I found this to be a great birth control option. I have no breakthrough unless I make a mistake in taking the pills.

A bit of fatigue, which is probably because I am always sick when I take it - ha,ha. Sometimes I feel like I forgot to ask for decaf' coffee a couple hours after I take it, but, otherwise, this drug never bothers me at all! :-)

I find this drug a double edged sword. While it really does do a VERY good job at easing the anxiety while it's working, I'm really trying not to take this drug. The crashes when it would wear off were horrendous and made my anxiety worse. I'm sure if you don't abuse this drug, and you don't take it often enough to get addicted, it's definitely worth it because it definitely does work on calming anxiety as long as you don't get the wierd side effects that I get.

I'm taking 8mg Atacand and it is controlling my blood pressure very well. I was very happy with it til I realised my back pain was a side effect of it.

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Gettimg off Gabapentin is Hell I just tried to go down 300mg because it syopprd working icoubld not my doctor switched me to 300 mg in morning and 600mmg at night the transition was two weeks of anxiety now i go down 300 at nightI I expect deppression anxirty and insomnia likebefor

Worked well at first. At the end of treatment...most severe stomach pain,nearly collapsed with it. Most extreme fatigue I ever experienced. EKG said heart attack..other tests said "no". Endoscopy,throat scope..all okay. It has taken me a month or so to come out of it.Still weak and tired.Am guessing all problems were due to Macrobid. I will never ever take it again.I am allergic to sulfa.