Moxifloxacin hydrochloride (moxifloxacin hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Moxifloxacin hydrochloride (moxifloxacin hydrochloride)

Extreme burning of the eyeball, pouring tears, felt like sharp stick piercing my eye, could not open my eye while using it, one day prior to surgery and the day following surgery. By the second day, also felt dizzy and queasy. After leaving it off for 8 hours, the burning subsided, queasiness ceased. Redness remained for several days.

Surgeon insisted I buy this expensive drop ($300 for half ounce). When the severe reactions occurred, he replaced it with an antibiotic drop that cost only $10.

Side Effects formoxifloxacin hydrochloride (moxifloxacin hydrochloride) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

took first pill,a few hours later felt severly sick, thought i cought flu.fever chills ,tingling in hands and feet,allover feel crappy.

I took 40 mg a day and it did nothing. My doctor told me to take 160mg for 6 weeks. It helped somewhat but cause my bloodpresure to go to 145/90 and i'm a triathlete. I also got very dry eyes for which i have drops. I still have the cough but the throat clearing is gone. I stopped coffee, chocolate, caffine in general, red meat, sodas of any kind, beer (still drink vokda so who cares about beer). Doctor told me you can't od on prilosec but if my vision is hurt and i have a freaking heart attack what's the point. This drug does strange things that they don't tell you about.

Okay for 13 days. Had a couple days of stomach pain/pressure. Day 13 severe joint/muscle pain and stiffness. Could barely walk. Wanted to cry all day. Came on really fast. Treated heartburn but side effects are not tolerable. Will try every other day before giving up. I am desperate. Have tried many others and had similar problems, but this was the worse.

hands shaking, tired all day long, hedacke, panic attack, felling desperate, insomnio.

This is the best medication I have taken for severe nausea but the downside is that I cannot stay alert on it. I only take it when I know it will be safe to sleep for a long time.

Memory loss, low libido, muscle pain and parasthesia in the toes.

Bled for almost a month on this pill.

diarrhea, jaw clenching and a weird sensation of my brain and eyes desperately trying to fall asleep but my body feels it wants to keep going.

I had taken this drug twice before (for UTI) without problems, but this time I had the lot - gastric pain, frequent loose stools, skin rash and irritation and red skin eruptions. I began to fear an episode of Crohn's though I have been free of symptoms for 12 years. However, on completing the course of treatment, the diarrhea and stomach pain cleared up. and only the skin problems remain.

none what so ever. i stopped coughing immediately, slept well andhad no daytime effects. i took it in the morning and at bedtime. great product.