Movantik (naloxegol oxalate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Movantik (naloxegol oxalate)

Terrible drug. Completely killed the pain medication in my system. I couldn’t figure out what was wrong and I wasn’t getting any relief. Then i read the side effects.It’s not something I would recommend and it doesn’t do what it says it does.

Extreme abdominal pain, nausea, feeling of withdrawal from pain medication. It appears to help constipation but stool is still hard and causes painful bowel movement.

Though this does appear to help narcotic constipation. You pay the price through withdrawal, severe pain, painful bowel movement from some very hard stool you pass. It should be taken in much smaller dosage to start. Then decide which is worse the pain it causes or the constipation. This medication should be explained in detail by Dr.s. I don't think many understand how horrible it can be. People using this arr already dealing with major health issues. It should under go further testing to find if it could cause more damage to your gut or internal organs. My last dose was about 1/8th of a 25 mg. And it worked but abdominal pain was horrible after for a second day. I may end up in an emergency room. It's that bad. Be careful using this. Question your dr. And possibly find alternatives.

This drug should be kept off the market in my opinion. I've had chronic pain for many years and been on morphine for lower back pain. A G.I. doctor prescribed me this because I was having lower left abdominal pain and he thought it was due to constipation. This doctor never explained this med to me or looked over the medication's that I am already on. I am 5'5 and probably125 pounds. Yes it did help me with a bowel movement but I was so sick I was running to the bathroom most of the day so I'm glad I had the day off. The cramps were awful and I also was having sweats, chills, intense body and leg pains. It takes all your pain medications out of your system and puts you in withdrawal. I also have a history of migraines and this medication gave me a migraine for about a week. But I think the worst was at night. I've been having awful dreams and panic attacks. I also take duloxetine for depression and I'm not sure if that has anything to do with my side effects. But the horrible night terrors were far the worst. It's hard to explain but the nightmares were so intense and I wanted to wake up from them and I just couldn't. When I did wake and go back to sleep and put me back into night terrors. I was crying and feeling awful! I'm just curious if anybody that has tried this drug and has been an anti-depressant had the same side effects. I don't see the bad dreams in others reviews. This medication stays in your system for a long time. It took me a little while to figure out it was

I just got out of the hospital because I had colitis and partial blockage the doctor that treated me in the hospital prescription for movantik within a couple hours I've got severe pain in my stomach I'm nauseated I've got shaking chills I didn't know it will throw me in withdrawals until after I took it I will never take it again

Withdrawals, abdominal pain, lethargy, didn't know if it was all from the medicine at first. It also says it's not a laxative. But it. Acts quickly like one. I think if you're going to try it. I would use a very low dosage to start. I tried half 12.5 mg still too much. Then a 3rd about 8 mg. Again acted quick and caused cramping pain. So I may try 1/4 dose 6 mg because its so quick. And monitor when you take your pain med. It draws it from your body. Causing withdrawal.

Server stomach cramps (felt like I was in labor but worse) vomiting, diarrhea, felt as if I was going to pass out, sweating so bad it was dripping from all parts of my body, chill bumps and Stomach acid coming out both of ends to the point to dehydration. Had to call ambulance bc I couldn't drive to the hospital. I was so dehydrated they poked me many times trying to get a vain to give me fluids. Never again will I take it!

Just some cramping and being gassy.

Been a life saver, I have a stage 4 wound on my sacrum and it's extremely painful. I'm prescribed Oxycodone for pain I'm supposed to take every 4-6 hours but do to extreme constipation I was avoiding the pain medication every other day so I could have a bowl movement. This was causing problems with home health coming to changeMy wound dressings because I wasn't medicated getting through the dressing changes and measurements was a nightmare for both me and my home health aid. Now that I'm taking the movantik I'm able to probably medicate the pain I have associated with my wound and it makes everything so much better.

Within 20 minutes of taking it the severe stomach cramps started along with profuse sweating nausea I started having shortness of breath and thought I was going to pass out. I am still having cramps an hour later and have not had a BM.I WILL NEVER TAKE THIS MEDICATION AGAIN!

It may work for some people but not for me I wish I hadn't even tried it. I would rather be constipated!

Gas, stomach cramping, body aches

I have been taking pain medication and muscle relaxers for 33 years now because of muscle and nerve damage from an electrical shock injury. I've also developed fibromyalgia and I am in constant total body pain, but I've learned to deal with it. I always try to manage my pain with the least dose possible of my medication to avoid the possible,vfuther complicating, side effects, but constipation can't be avoided. I had heard about Movantik but didn't want to add yet another pill to my arsenal of medicines, but 6 months ago my Doctor recommended I at least try it. I'm glad I did. The ups and downs of trying to control constipation with laxatives and stool softeners takes it's toll on a person, and now, I don't have to wonder if I'm going to have any relief. Yes, I have side effects, the body cramping is the worst, but having read that Movantik blocks the relief I receive from my medication's, I've found that If I take my pain medication and muscle relaxer at least an 45 minutes to an hour before taking the Movantik it's not as bad. I'm not a big person and I don't have a very good appetite so taking it daily gives me bad diarrhea and dehydration, which can cause bad headaches, so I decided it would be best to take it every other day and drink Gatorade. I don't go far from the bathroom, some days it works in 15 minutes, other days it can take 2 hours or longer to complete it's course. I'm prescribed 25mg... and after setting here and typing this I've real

Severe abdominal cramping, body shaking chills, profuse sweating, constant headaches, shortness of breath, increasing fibromyalgia flareups (the worst being in my legs and lower back), and nausea.Tonight I could hardly tolerate the horrific pains in my legs and feet. Finally used some Diclofenac cream and that helped; just applied a second dose 4 hrs later. Hoping I can get some sleep (it’s 12:30 a.m.) now. Won’t be taking any more of the Movantik.

I originally went in to a GI Clinic for a simple hemorrhoid banding. The doctor decided to have me try a relatively new medication for constipation—just a pill a day. However she did NOT tell me that the pill was an opioid antagonist, designed to block the effects of one’s opioids for pain, while increasing your bowel moving abilities. It actually throws you into opioid withdrawals! No wonder I was sweating like a stuck pig, and having severe aching and all over body chills, along with nausea and heat intolerance (suddenly couldn’t bear my all-time buddy, My Heating Pad—not even on 1!). It also made my already severe fibromyalgia to flare up. I’m extremely upset that my doctor didn’t explain what this pill was for, and the possible side effects. It was a new clinic and new doctor doing the banding; next time, I’m going to a GI doc in my University Network where all my records are. A little further drive, but my health is worth it.

Causes symptoms of narcotic withdrawal. Lots of stomach pain

Opioid and post surgery blockage

The first dose gave me the chills and much gas. the biggest side effects are the gassiness before evacuating.

This medicine has been a great relief. I have been on opioids for severe chronic pain from accident and many surgeries. I had my BM well under control for many years. After having a hip replacement I literally was taking 15-20 mins of true struggling pain to have a BM. This medicine is easy on me and I DO NOT have to hang around a toilet. This medicine has not made me crap myself or rush for toilet.

MOVANTIK (NALOXEGOL OXALATE): This medication is used to treat constipation caused by narcotic (opiate-type) medications in people with ongoing pain that is not caused by cancer. It blocks the effect of narcotics on the gut without blocking the effect on pain. Naloxegol belongs to a class of drugs known as narcotic antagonists. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Slight dizziness, made me tired so started taking at night before bed and I sleep alot better at night. I have experienced weight loss (18 lbs) and a slight "hungover" feeling. I don't feel these symtoms everyday, they kinda come and go.


Severe abdominal pain, burning sensation in my stomach and intestines, severe bloating, indigestion, metallic taste in my mouth, white tongue, feeling poisoned, colitis developed, ALT and AST elevated (liver function impairedl, yellow eye white, nausea, loosing weight, sharp pain in my toes

Would never recommend this to anyone. I went to er after I started running fever and chills. Ran blood work, had low white blood count, thought I had sepsis. Or aneurysm, since I had a headache that nothing would take away. My upper body was on fire from the rash. Couldn't get rid of rash for a few weeks. Dangerous drug, I make sure my kids do not take this.

Huge Weight Gain --> 40 lbs. in 2 years.Dry MouthHot Flashes and excessive sweatingUpset StomachTiredness

I had taken Propofol as an anesthesia about 10 years ago for a colonoscopy without any residual effects, but perhaps the anesthesiologist gave me too high an initial dose this time (160 mg in two seconds as an "induction dose" !) followed by 80 mg, a bolus of 20 mg at a time. I think they wanted to rush the procedures to avoid gridlock in the exam room, so they knocked me out more quickly with higher doses of the stuff. I feel like I have permanent brain damage. The procedure itself and use of Propofol is NOT worth the risk, no matter how much it's claimed to detect colon cancer in its early stages. Avoid Propofol!!!!!!

depression, anxiety, loss of any sex drive, no self-lubrication, crying for no reason

Major over-eating at 400MG 3 years ago. I gained 30 pounds! If I drink any amount of alcohol I have leg twitches at bedtime.

Worked great but am now drug dependent. It can be difficult to get off of this drug.