Motegrity (prucalopride succinate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Motegrity (prucalopride succinate)

I've had constipation, my whole life so bad, I could go 3 weeks without going to the bathroom. Since taking motegrity, I go almost every day. Full bowel movements It feels so much better to feel normal. I felt like I was gonna need a colostomy bag and have a bowel obstruction

I'm still taking this medication. I don't have any side effects with this medication and have been taking it for about two years. It still works great to increase motility.

Taking motegrity is like taking a sugar pill I have seen any difference still really constipated

I been having constipation troubles for over 30 years and nothing have help me until I started this medication. I now have normal bowel movements everyday.

Stomach cramping, nauseous, bleeding when going to the bathroom, headache, tired

Headache, diarrhea, mood changes.

Too dangerous and uncomfortable for the benefit

constipation, IBS, unable to void

the first time I took the medicine I felt a strong migrane headache and my head felt hot, very very hot, and I was blushing. it only happens once or if I stop taking the medicine for a week or so and come back to it.

every time I stop taking the medicine for a week or longer and I start taking it again, I get the same side effects.

MOTEGRITY (PRUCALOPRIDE SUCCINATE): ?Treatment of chronic idiopathic constipation (CIC) in adults. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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On day 5/7 I started experiencing some side effects. I feel a bit out of it, my back has a slight ache to it and when I breathe out I cough. I only have 2 days to go thank god.

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Intense weakness, nausea, lightheaded, chills with no fever, anxiety and depression, mild diarrhea, loss of appetite and possibly muscle and joint pain that I am currently trying to decide if it's related.

Tastes gross -- heavy mint flavor. Felt like it was burning my esophagus all the way down, then dry heaves once it hit my stomach. But it didn't make me actually vomit, and the burning sensation went away quickly.

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Pain from my cyst went away gradually over a few hours, but the next morning and following day I experienced the WORST bloating I had ever had in my life. I am still having this bloating pain and its been almost 48 hours. I experienced inability to pass gas, a burning sensation across my entire lower abdomen, severe stomach cramps, and sleeplessness due to the pain. I can barely walk upright. Laying with a heating pad is providing some relief, but I can still feel the pain. Gas X and Tums do nothing to help with the pain and bloating. F*** this medication. I would have rather felt like my ovary was on fire than deal with straight pain for days.

I have had some success. I have lost 16 lbs (176-160lbs) taking Metformin and sticking to a lower carbohydrate diet. During this time I haven't even excercised much, but I need to pick it up again. Before taking Metformin I had a pretty similar diet, and was excercsing, but the pounds weren't coming off t quickly.

I have been taking this for more than 20yrs. If you give it a chance barring side effects it does work. I got a little diarrhea at beginning but calms down. Best to start slow then increase. I have tried not to take it and my joints get very bad. I am faithful about eye exams. Very satisfied.

Muscle aches, black, tarry stool, explosive diarrhea, extreme tiredness and weakness, shortness of breath. Stopped taking after 3 days for a 7 day RX