Monopril-hct (fosinopril sodium; hydrochlorothiazide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Monopril-hct (fosinopril sodium; hydrochlorothiazide)

Side Effects formonopril-hct (fosinopril sodium; hydrochlorothiazide) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

Been on every other med under the sun. This is the only one that works. My BP is now between 135/80 and 120/70. I do plan on reduction in dose in 6 months.

I am a healthy 30 year old male that had chest pains after only 2 days of taking Claritin. Depression immediately started. I quit taking it 5 days ago and my depression is slowly going away. One side note-I have never been depressed.Claritin makes me feel like a zombie not being able to think clearly.

My eyebrows started to fall out after two months of being on this drug (60 mg daily)and hairline beginning to recede.

insomnia, changes in sleep pattern, biting, nightmares

My son has been on and off singulair since he was 2.5 to prevent ear infections. After his Dr. increased his dose to 5 mg and told me how important it was for him to take it everyday to prevent allergy symptoms we lost our son. If not for a very special pharmacist giving me warning about possible depression when refiling his Rx I think my son's life could have been altered forever without us even knowing why. He has now been off for 2 weeks. I have my son back. His energy level is back and he is smiling and happy with no other strange symptoms. Medical providers should really think twice about giving this med to children.

Going to continue for now, unless side effects get worse, or Dr. says to stop.

some redness after patch is removed, but it goes away within a day or two

Breast tenderness, painful urination

These helped tremendously with the pain and to help me get the sleep I needed at night. But, was making me gain weight fast. VERY GROGGY the following day and can't have that as I have 2 small children with autism that I need to take care of. I stopped taking these after 4 days of being on them because, of the weight gain and grogginess.

heart palpitations, extreme anxiety and depression.